It is difficult for me to take your somewhat interesting words seriously, considering your avatar. That said, it is very easy to call something a matter of faith when you have not experienced it. For instance, the world was once considered flat and those that thought otherwise were considered foolish. The Apollo astronauts testify to a feeling of spiritual awe and, heaven forbid, an all encompassing non-physical intelligence while in space. As for the NDE, you are unfortunately uninformed. Many documented cases reveal out of body experiences while the NDEer is physically deceased...where events are described by the NDEer that took place while they were considered dead. Faith? Not science...why not? As well, past lives have been studied and not all reveal themselves in the dream state (nice try though). You seem to have little depth in the subject of hypnosis (study some more between the beers).Dionysianexile wrote:It is interesting what people associate with science these days....
Thisgs such as NDE, past lives, all truth, are not science. It is not that science will not admit to their existance, in fact, there are many people investigating the cause of these phenomenon. But they are not being treated as something that is as it seems, for science, these things do not exist as something found in true science, simply because you cannot empiracally study them. So it is placed in the realm of psuedoscience, odd things that happen yet to be explained scientifically or empirically.
my 2 cents:
Past lives are most commonly seen under hypnosis. Hypnosis is not something that brings one in touch with their subconcious, instead, it is just a highly suggestible state. Things also known about in this area are "recovered memories," which have actually been shown to be implanted memories, something suggested to the individual by either the therapist or the hypotherapist.
As for NDE, it is somethign that happens when the body goes into a particular state of shock, trauma, etc.... Several scientists in canada have been able to reproduce similar "hallucinations" by placing a large electromagnet near the temporal lobes.
I dont mind if people believe in things like this, what bothers me is when they are called science, when in fact they are matters of faith.
Do you, in choosing your avatars, truly believe science holds all the answers? Are pharmacutical companies ethical? Is the planet healthy? Have you looked up in the skys lately? Science has much to offer, but science is also revealing the niavete of itself and the attachment we have to profit and loss (the stuff science is funded upon).
One more thing...the subjects taken seriously by "science" are ever-changing.
Have a nice day! Cheers!