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tank smaller than i thought

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 7:07 pm
by Angela.Shylah
I have 3 small-medium crabs in what I believed to be a 10 gallon tank. I've had them for about 3 months. I was given the tank and told it was 10 gallons but now after Doing measurements for a new tank I'm planning to buy tomorrow, I discovered this tank is more around 6 gallons. Now I feel like the worst crab mommy ever. I try to get my crabs out fairly often for exercise though. If I move them to a 15-20 gallon tank in the next few days will they be okay overall?

Also, I do have large enough dishes for them to submerge under water, a good dish, a hide, and a climb ladder I made from hemp string. there isn't a whole lot of space left over after that, but I hope all that is still keeping them healthy enough. My temp and humidity are always in the right range

Re: tank smaller than i thought

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 12:15 am
by aussieJJDude
Well, for now it's pushing it (in terms of stocking levels) but I wouldn't say something like:
"Oh Mah Goodness, you have not been giving the hermit crabs a decent tank and you killing them... (and so forth, you get the message ;) )
I'm always up for somebody to upgrade if they can, it's a great way on getting more crabbies (and upgrading again) and buying some more thingies to fill it out! :) At least your provided them all the necessities that they need; so your certainly better than most people out there.
I do have to ask, do you have levels in your tank? If not, its a great way to maximise space. Even if the water bowls are on a second level (followed by a another level of some sort filled with your desires on what you want in there) you can increase moulting area dramatically.

Re: tank smaller than i thought

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 4:00 pm
by Angela.Shylah
They did have a second level. I did actually set up my tank (where I live is currently 78 degrees andour humidity is around 65% so getting optimal environment was simple) now I'm just working on moving everyone in. I moved one crab but two are burrowed underground. I can't keep two tanks running for very long (not enough dishes) and I'm on a tight budget.I'm wondering abount scooping them with their ee into a new tank

Re: tank smaller than i thought

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:03 pm
by aussieJJDude
It can be a bit of a risk but personally I would just leave them and wait for all of them to come back up. Another option (which I wouldn't encourage, but at our own risk) is to do what you said, ove them and EE while they are moulting. It would probably be a good idea to have a ISO of some sort just to keep them safe for the time being. :)

Re: tank smaller than i thought

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 12:20 am
by Angela.Shylah
This is on a different point, what's your opinion on using two small heaters? I have to small uth that I was thinking of buying and sticking to either short sides of the tank. I can't really put one on the long back because the only places I can put the tank are against a wall

Re: tank smaller than i thought

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 12:24 am
by aussieJJDude
Well, not that many people have don't that method but I could think it would work in a smaller set up quite well! :) It just most people tend to put it on the back so they can look in the sides.

BTW it is easy to put it on the back of an empty tank; just position the tank so you still have access around it (like a 45 degree angle) tap it on and insulate it (recommended IMO) and slide into position. :)

Re: tank smaller than i thought

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:23 am
by Angela.Shylah
I am more worried about having a heater so close to my wall than how to install it. It might seem paranoid but it's better to be safe than sorry. Thanks for your help:)