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Best use of vertical space?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:49 am
by svandoren
Hey all!

I have about 6-8 inches of vertical space above the substrate in my 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if there were any suggestions of the best use of this space? I feel like my poor crabbies have nowhere to go between the two water dishes and the food dish and the mopani wood and the moss pile all over the ground. Besides, I'm getting six new shells in the mail soon (finally! Poor babies have been stuck in the DREADFUL painted ones they came in) and would like to put them somewhere other than the last remaining patch of empty substrate. Any ideas? Cheap would be preferred (they are class pets and we teachers are infamous for Making Zero Money).

Thanks a bunch!

Re: Best use of vertical space?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:03 am
by LadyMorrgian
A climbing wall to the back wall using plastic mesh.

A plastic soap dish bin/shower caddy stuck to the glass with suction cups with a branch, or mesh leading up to it.

Levels can be made using smaller organizers.

Thrift store are your friend.

Also, as a personal resource, for teaching supplies, if you go into certain "big name thrift stores" and quietly pull as side a cashier or a manger and tell them you are a teacher they may be able to give you a discount on school supplies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Best use of vertical space?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:20 pm
by Crabinski
@LadyMorrgian's suggestions are excellent but I'll throw in another one: a $6 fish net (Michael's, Hobby Lobby) can be cut into sections and serve many purposes -- hanging shell shop hammock, draped over mopani wood for an additional climbing surface/hide, attached around the walls of the tank for climbing, etc. I swear it's my favorite crabitat purchase and the crabs are always on it somewhere!