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Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:44 pm
by DaltMc
Hey everyone!

Just a breif intorduction,
I kept hermit crabs from 2004 to about 2010 (and used this site all along the way, and I'm very thankful for all the advice you guys have given me through the years.) when Gary that I had since the beginning passed away. He dug down to molt and never made it back up he was the last crab of my small brood and losing him was a little much for me to take so I took a haitus from keeping crabs. Fast forward to two days ago when I made a visit to the local Petsmart and purchased a 20g long tank and 5 PPs, 3 smalls and 2 mediums. I've got two bricks of EE in there for them as their sub, a fresh water bowl, a salt water bowl, some grapevine, a coconut fiber climbing wall, a 75watt heating lamp (I think the bulb is too hot gets up to 88F in the basking area.) My temperatures are staying around 72-75F (70-80 % humidity, working on keeping all of this stable as the tank is new. I think I should have done all of this before getting crabs but I really wanted to save the poor guys crawling around in woodchips.)

Today I added in some Forest Most in the back left corner equaling about 1/4th of the tank, this has really helped my humidity today even with the lamp on. I'm still worried that 88 is too hot on these guys though. I will be open to any suggestions you guys have to help me improve their crabitat. I will also gladly answer any questions that you guys would like to ask me. (I hope these pictures appear correctly.) ... 5.jpg.html ... 4.jpg.html ... 9.jpg.html ... 6.jpg.html ... 6.jpg.html

Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:28 pm
by amart24
need more substrate.

Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:52 pm
by purpleperson
Welcome back to crabbing and back to the HCA. :)

Firstly you should add more sub. :) the recommended minimum is 6 inches, for small crabs.
Ideally, the water dishes should be deep enough for your largest crab to fully submerge. Many of us on here use Tupperware with diy ramps.
You may want to consider replacing the heat lamp with a UTH (under tank heater) that you can attach to the side for a more even temperature. That will also help you keep more humidity. (Lamps tend to kill humidity)
Also what are you feeding? It's hard to tell from the photos, but fresh fruits/veggies, meats, freeze died shrimps etc are recommended. Pet store hermit crab food can be toxic to crabs. :)
Other than that I just want to recommend more cover, like fake plants, as that can make the crabs feel more secure and they will be more active. :)
You should also consider getting more shells as it would also benefit you. If you have all purple pinchers, turbo shells are usually the preferred shell. The more shells that you have the less likely you are to have shell fights. :)

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Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:53 pm
by purpleperson
Another thing- what kind of salt are you using to make your salt water?

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Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:20 pm
by DaltMc
For food I'm using an All Living Things Food Medley with some calcium supplement. I also plan to give then some scrambled egg tonight with no salt or seasoning then remove it in the morning. Also have some fresh apple to serve them tomorrow.

For salt water I'm using API Aquarium Salt that comes in the little milk carton.

I'm soaking my third brick of EE at the moment will probably pick up a bag of playground sand soon to mix in.

I have more shells that I have kept in case of getting new crabs. I just have to find where I stored them, give them a good soak and dry. I plan on making a hanging shell shop above the food bowls. The gray bowls are fortunately deep enough for the crabs to submerge at least above their eyes, although as they grow I would look to get deeper water bowls.

Looking for some fake plants at the moment, waiting until pay day then I look to get some. I've thought about ordering some.

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Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:32 pm
by purpleperson
I recommend you stop with the food medley because if does have pellets in it and a lot of questionable ingredients. Fresh and dried fruits/veggies/meats are usually best. They should love the egg, mine sure do! :)

The aquarium salt isn't harming them but it isn't doing what the crabs need either. You should try to find something like instant ocean (used for saltwater fish tanks) so that the crabs can get the minerals from the water, which is what they need.

Happy you're getting the rest figured out! :) I haven't found many good fake plants locally so I'm considering ordering some too. :p

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Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:43 pm
by DaltMc
I had planned on stopping the food medley soon it's what the store was feeding them and I planned on weaning them off of it as I supplied fruit to them. I was afraid such a sudden change of food would shock them. Maybe I'm just being silly.

As for the salt I was under the assumption that Doc Welfish was good for the salt water as it was what I had used in the past from a suggestion here. Perhaps I was confusing it for Instant Ocean.

Is there anything to avoid when ordering fake plants? I threw away all of my old ones and haven't been hunting for any in a while, so things have slipped my mind.

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Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:49 pm
by purpleperson
I've never had a problem with cutting the store food cold turkey, but I can see why you'd be worried. :)

It may have been recommended in the past, but the crabs really to thrive and survive better with a proper salt. :)

I avoid ones that have glitter or those little pollen twig things on them.. Pretty much things that could be pulled off and eaten or messy. Other than that I get all of my plants from the dollar store.

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Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:55 pm
by courtbri
I just got several fake ivy plants from the dollar store. I got 3 of them which worked well in my 20 G long. You are asking all the right questions and making all the proper adjustments. Your well on your way again.

Crabbing for 4 years-still obsessed! 5 total crustacean kids. Gave up trying to tell them apart but I love them all.

Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:57 pm
by DaltMc
I will do just that then with the food, thanks for the suggestions!

Cool, I figured things would change with time! I'll look into getting some instant ocean for me cabbies.

As for the temperature is 88 in the light too hot? That's as hot as it gets under the light with a full 24 hours. I have considered getting a smaller bulb if I can keep the humidity in check.

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Re: Advice for my new 20L?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:30 pm
by DaltMc
I hate to double post but I would like to give an update. I added the 3rd brick of EE to the Tank. I returned the API for Instant Ocean. I also was able to return the All Living Things Food Medley and got Fluker's Medley Treat instead (no pellets). I found my shells and I'm working on a second story out of a shower caddy to make a Moss pit / shell shop. I would like to thank you guys for all the help again. 3 of the crabs have when under. They haven't been coming up at night but I know there still alive as I can see them from the bottom of the tank and no fishy smell.

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