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OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:22 pm
by JulesRolyCrab
So I just read a post that said having open play sand in a garage that had vehicles in it parking and stuff is bad!!! :shock: I mostly used Eco Earth, but I definitely used that play sand too!!!! Oh no, will my crabs be okay? Do I have to replace the sand, I really don't want to if it can be avoided. Eek, freaking out..... :(

Please help!! Thanks.... :oops:

Re: OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:44 am
by soilentgringa
Oh hey! I don't want to freak people out!

Was the bag pretty well closed? Was the sand rinsed or anything? (I forget, forgive me if you stated that!)

I was just worried that fumes from the car exhaust or oil burning or traces of pesticides (if ever sprayed in the garage), spray paint, etc. etc. Just stuff you would normally find in a garage; whether or not traces would have gotten in the sand.

Re: OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:07 am
by JulesRolyCrab
I think it wan't very closed. I didn't rinse it either..... It was near the opening to the garage, and obviously the car is never on without the garage being open, but..... :shock: I didn't even think! I can't believe I did that!! I don't know what I'll do now!

Re: OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:28 pm
by JulesRolyCrab
I think I'm going to replace all the sand and everything, as one of my crabs passed today. I am very, very sad and confused, but going to do my best to identify and fix a problem.

Re: OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:08 pm
by KayedeeLove<3
Awe so sorry :'( i May be in the same boat! One of mine May or May not have passed! *freaking*

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Re: OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:07 am
by Kermie16
:( Sorr about your hermie!! I also keep open bag of playsand in the garage but I keep it inside a closed large tote. Wonder if that is ok??

Re: OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:19 pm
by hprmom
Oh Jules, I'm so sorry about your hermie. Was the sand the only variable that was different?

We don't have a garage so our open bags sit in the carport. I didn't realize at first that no bag comes sealed, they have a little pour spout that is an unsealed opening. I'm always nervous that bugs or ants will get into them. I keep a couple of 2-gallon ziploc bags with clean dry sand in the cabinet under the tank in case I need some in a hurry.

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Re: OH NO, I used open play sand!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:01 pm
by JulesRolyCrab
Thanks for everyone's sympathies and concerns. It's helped a lot. The sand was the only variable I can imagine, but who knows.... It might have been my picking him up the night before, something I feel so awful about.... Hopefully I'll eventually help a crab rather than hurt.... :(