Reminder! Abuse of Private Messages
Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:55 am
This is just a general reminder that if you receive a PM from a stranger asking you to join another message board, it is considered a violation of our rules and you should report the PM immediately to an admin or moderator so appropriate action can be taken. Friendly messages between friends are OK but if a stranger pushes something on you, that is most definitely NOT OK and we will take action!
"The HCA is a crab care resource, not a supply of members to be farmed."
Anyone caught doing this will have his/her private messaging privileges removed.
Thank you so much for your cooperation!
HCA President
This is just a general reminder that if you receive a PM from a stranger asking you to join another message board, it is considered a violation of our rules and you should report the PM immediately to an admin or moderator so appropriate action can be taken. Friendly messages between friends are OK but if a stranger pushes something on you, that is most definitely NOT OK and we will take action!
"The HCA is a crab care resource, not a supply of members to be farmed."
Anyone caught doing this will have his/her private messaging privileges removed.
Thank you so much for your cooperation!
HCA President