What is your crabs Personality?

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What is your crabs Personality?

Post by Guest » Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:25 pm

Crab Personality

Current Crabs

Xena: can be active sometimes, sometime's not...can be handfed sometimes....

Rosie: One of the most active crab.....will always come out when you hold it...but when you make sudden move....it will very quickly get into the shell which makes her shell (shake and makes noises) sometimes she will dart out of the shell and dart back in like crazy....like a gymnast.....she's very tame! If she inside the shell...and you pick her up she POPS out of the shell! Makes me laugh all the time!

Yoshi: I don't see him much....but he is here, there, hiding.

Koopa: He is more active than Yoshi....he once was in a phase when he would run around like crazy after he finished molting....he was fast!!!! Now he is behaving and I also see him climbing plenty of times...

Dr. Mario Snowball: Very very inactive most of the time every time you look at him.....but who knows what he is doing when nobody is looking! He is the smallest crab of all...He is also very white!....He can be active at times and would be active when you hold him...but most of the time he's inside the shell.....even if you bathe him!

Jersey: He or She is a pretty active E....you find him or her on the 2nd floor and on the plastic leaves...loves to climb around and walk around....pretty active when you hold him or her.....one more thing...I think she or he is too embarrassed to tell me if he or she is a boy or a girl!!!! :lol: :oops:

Lucky: He is pretty much has the same personality as the other E.....which is Jersey.....also he is strong since he would have been shocked after the "accident" when I had to stop the car suddenly and the crab got lost in the car and I had to search for him.....I didn't know if he would survive....okay few months later...he's still alive!

Scrat: I just got him today.....so I don't know too much about him...but so far he's very active....will come out while being held....walks around a lot in the tank!

Unnamed crab I got today (March 11, 2006) He or she is a shy crab...since she's active in the tank but is not active when I hold it!!!

Crabs That Passed Away

Zack: My first Crab.....The biggest I ever had...very very friendly and tame!!!! Will always say hello to you!

Cody: Was also my first crab.....more calm and shy...didn't come out of the shell much but was not that inactive...I would sometimes see him walk around. He was hand fed a few times before...

Watermelon: Very very tame and would always accept food when being handfed.....Was active but very calm...but before she died...she was a lot more less active than before...

Trisha: A big time shell changer.....She freaked out once when she was given a bath (I don't really bathe crabs anymore because of Trisha) and she got naked...and kept changing lots of shells before she died

King Kong: Not always active....don't see him active much.....I got him the same time I got Rosie.....but King Kong once buried himself very deep into the corner of the tank where I could see him...and he was active and peeking out of the shell the whole time before he died

Unnamed: I bought this crab....and it was never active and died the next day so I returned him but kept the shell

Now what about your crabs???....share it with us! :D

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Post by MacandHunter » Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:31 pm

Hunter:Very active, loves to eat the cork bark, and likes to meet new crabs.

BatmanDigs down for fun, but has times when he stays up for a while eating and drinking.

KennyLoves to climb, and explore the 2nd, and 3rd levels of the tank. Very active.

Ash Seems to be most active on the weekends. :lol: Likes to climb and explore with Kenny.

Snowball Very active, likes to explore with the other brave crabs. She is the most brave crab I have.

Porforio New guy.. very active, and bold at first, now destressing.

Zippy Have not seen in a while.. dug under.. Hopefully molting.

Hewit Enjoys digging, not as active and I don't see him as much.
Crabbing since 7/4/04 - 10 years!
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Post by DustAndEchoes » Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:25 am

Hattie-- Shy, but will hug my thumb like there's no tomorrow when i hold her
Grunt--currently my most aggressive crab. she tolerate being held sometimes
Hawthorne-- He's pretty laid back...the most common visitor to the food dish
KiKi-- My mama's girl....big time thumb hugger
Zoidberg---has NEVER come out of his shell when I hold him
Gus Gus-- Still destressing,

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:58 pm

Adrian - mood varies, usually laid back, and will come to the glass to see me if he's out and about
Bruce - Pretty active, loves to climb and was the first out to meet the new crabs. Pretty friendly
Janick - Just getting to know him, he resurfaced after digging down two days after I got him. Seems pretty quiet, wobbles around in a shell that's enormous
Nicko - Quiet and gentle, lets the smaller crabs climb all over him, used to be very shy, but is coming along
Dave - very aloof, digs down during the day, and comes up to party at night only after all the lights have been turned off. Hasn't noticably bonded with any of the other crabs
Eddie - very hyper-active, always flies out to see me, very pinchy when I first got him, he'll still make a grab for me sometimes
Steve - Originally very shy, now out almost all the time, loves to hang out on the repti-hammock
Eric - can be very shy, will usually withdraw when I approach the tank, and then will peek out catiously.

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:57 pm

Aristotle: The shyest of the entire group. I've had him for three years, and he still hides whenever the slightest change in his enviorment occurs. He loves the coconut fiber wall on the back of the tank, and ususally sleeps up there. Will only eat eggs or fruit.

Tiki: Whoever says that Ruggies are laid back or shy never met him. He's the adventerous one. He sleeps on the top of "his" climby toy (a twisted piece of wood) and loves to pretend he's a plant on the second level jungle. Also, he likes to crawl around on peoples' hands and is a thumb hugger.

Stitch: Loves to dig holes and half bury himself. He's an E and currently molting, so I'm scared to see what happens when he regrows his toenails.

Mal: I've convinced he was dropped on his head at an early age. Will plow over any and all obsticals, no matter what they are. He's also the most "terrestrial" of the group- i've never seem him climb any of the toys.

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:08 pm

Pinkie- (PP) I've had this guy for about 5 years. He was pretty legargic for a long time, but I've been doing a lot of renovations to my crabitat and he's gotten much more active. He's not very shy at all and he's been climbing practically all the time. He even sleeps high up in the fake plants.

David Hasselhoff- (PP) This is my fiance's crab, (he named him). I got a couple months ago so Pinkie wouldn't be alone after my other crabs died. He's not shy when I bring him out, but he sure does sleep a lot. I think it might be the cold weather.

Ariel- (PP) I just got her about a week and a half ago. She wasn't shy at first, but lately she's been hiding almost all the time. She's also switched shells 3 times since she's been with me. I think she may be getting ready to molt. She spends almost all of her time with my other crab, David. I think they're dating.

Lucky- (Ruggie) I just rescued him from Petco a couple days ago, when he was running around naked. I was able to get him in a shell, and he's been hiding under his cocohut since then, destressing. He does wake up every once in a while and just stares at me though. I hope he likes me for saving him.

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:39 pm

Mrs. Noodle: Mrs. Noodle is active and friendly! She's always curious and running around everywhere, climbing on top of other crabs. This was my first crab and I'm amazed she's still alive considering the bad conditions I used to have thanks to Petstores :x

Reeses: He's always walking around and he's good friends with Mrs. Noodle. I always see them together, and Mrs. Noodle gives Reese's piggy (in this case crabby :lol: ) back rides and it's so cute! Reeses is always willing to come out and greet the person who's holding them. He trusts the holder and but he does get scared at a quick movement. However sometimes Reese's is a bit shy. Reeses is always the first to go to the food dish to eat the new fruit or vegetable I laid out for them. I guess he's the daring food tester for the other hermies.

Melon: The most active one of the bunch! A BIG climber! He climbs on everything! The food dish, shells, water dish, palm tree, drift wood, fake plants and the other crabs! And ESPECIALLY cocohuts! Melon is so friendly as curious! Once you hold him, he'll scurry everywhere and tickle your palms!

Mr. Crabs: I don't know this crab very well yet as it's currently dug under the substrate. But from what I can tell it's a crab that's easily scared. It's friendly to the other crabs however not so much to humans. If you make the slightest movement when holding it, he'll pinch...HARD! And he'll stay that way unless you stay absolutely still for about 10 minutes.

err I haven't named this crab yet: Yes I know, it's still unamed heh I've had it for about 2 and a half weeks or so. It's pretty shy and gets scared VERY easily. However if you creep by it without having it see you, you'll see that it's playing around with the other crabbies

Kiwa: My newest crab! She's active and friendly and likes to climb all over the other crabbies! She's in a shell that's way too small for her but I suppose she likes it? She's active and very very very VERY fast!! She should do crabbie track! :lol: She's friends with all the other crabs and she's just downright cute! I've still gots lot to learn about her personality tho!

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:02 pm

Bon Jovi: His name says it all :wink:

Rose: Active, sweet, loves to eat FB

Tama: Fiesty, active, can be a bit pinchy at times

I'll post the others later :D

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Post by Guest » Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:25 pm

Guys! Good results good posts!!! any more.....

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Post by Guest » Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:28 pm

Yuri She has to be the most outgoing, and most demanding of my crabs. She's been with me for three years now and was the first crab I ever got. Since then she's learned to give me a light pinch when she wants hand fed and even decided to change shells in my hand before.

Astro She was the second crab in my life and she takes a lot after her big sister, though she doesn't like to be handled as much and won't sit still to eat in my hand.

Solar He's the spoiled little brat! He has a habit of taking the prettiest, but most pointless shells in the tank. He also is one of the most shy, even though he truly has the most beautiful coloring of all the crabbies (Don't tell the girls I said that.)

Jupiter The biggest of the crabs. Jupiter is still a bit shy, but she isn't as bad as Halley or Solar. She loves hanging out with Yuri and Astro and the three of them are all wearing matching shells now. She's turned into a gentle giant after our first meeting, were she decided to see just how long she could hold onto me while we were in the pet store. I didn't really blame her since she was in a too small, half broken shell without any humidity or water...

Halley She's one of those crabs that you get, bring home, she digs down, then you never see her again. The rest all like to climb up and hang out near the top of the tank and she goes the other way. One evening when I was watching the tank she dug up and it looked just like a zombie coming up from the grave. She and Solar are the shiest crabbies.

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Post by Scythan » Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:39 pm

Blastoise: Very hyper, I think he sometimes annoys the other crabs with how much he runs everywhere. :lol: He is brave for his size.

Rocky: He loves sitting on the nest, and when he is scared he pulls just his eyes in, rather than all of him.

Peek-a-Boo: He likes climbing a lot, and loves digging.

Zebra: He tends to sleep aboveground, and eats a lot. He is brave, too.

Phil: He is shy but likes shell shopping.

Zoidberg: He sleeps on the vine, and only comes down if there is a good reason (like food).

Hermes: Pretty shy. Haven't really found anything about his personality.

Cthulu: Loves eating, and often drinks the salt water. She is a big baby and pulls into her shell immediately when she sees movement.

Godzilla: He likes digging in the corner where the big plant is, exposing its roots and knocking it over. :evil: He also likes digging under the shell dish.

I don't think I forgot anyone!

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Post by Guest » Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:45 pm

Theodoore: (pp, large) pretty much a lazy big guy... seafood night is DEFINATLEY his favorite night! he always trys to hoard food and makes a mess.

Rose: (pp, large) She's a little more preppy then Theodoore, but loves hanging out with him. I have actually never witnessed her taking a drink, but I have for everyone else...she has also picked up the habit and cleaning out the food dish, and leaving turds in it. *eww!*

Blinky: (pp, small) My favorite crab out of the whole group, Blinky is a little fashion diva! LOL he majorly enjoys trying on shells. He's also an avid climber, and can hide like none other.

Inky and Winky: (pp's, small and large) I haven't had them long, but Winky (the large) is just getting over a molt and eating his exo and little Inky has disappreared... I've only seen him twice since I first got him...he came from a bad pet store with astro turf substrate :shock:

Sprite: (e, small) she only climbs a litlte, but is an avid digger. so far she's only been thru one molt with me, and recovered beautifully from the awful pet store where I got her.

Tex: (e, small/teeny) He's an active little dude, and he's an expert at everything from climbing to digging to hiding to whatever else! he is really an amazing climber and a little spit fire.

Clyde: (new e, small/.teeny) Ever since he came home from teh pet store (about two weeks ago) the only place I have ever seen him is the food dish! LOL

unnamed: (new e, small) I have seen this girl all over. she changed out of her broken shell right away after getting home, and that seemed to be an energy booster! LOL I've seen her multiple times in the water dish, in the food dish, climbing, digging, whatever else!

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:25 pm

Nicky~ shy, sweet, and skittish (PP)
Holly~ friendly, energetic, and playful (PP)
Shelley~ dominant, bossy, and territorial (PP)
Joey~ shy, pinchy, and slow (PP)
Alley~ shy, sweet, and mischievous (E)
Davey~ spunky, energetic, and mischievous (E)

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:35 pm

I wont go on about all my crabs but there are ones with minds of there own.

Knox the E - the first crab i ever had ( still have him :D ) he climbs everything explores every nook an cranny runs around hanging from the top of the tank and dropping into the sand Aka The crimson Ghost ( any misfits fan will get that )

Killer the rainbow crab - can move super fast is gentle with the hermits but will pinch me every chance he gets :lol: he always makes sure that the second food is put in he takes his piece and runs off to the cave

Buddy the PP - the biggest crab in the tank next to killer is always on the second level NO MATTER WHAT !
