Just got my first crab in years last night

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Just got my first crab in years last night

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:26 am

A few days ago. Someone posted about an adoption for a crab near me. Well I replied. No response for 2 days.. They told me what I would be getting. Then I said sure I would take him. Then no response for 2 more days and I honestly thought they changed their mind. Well I hear from the person yesterday afternoon. That I can come get him in the evening.
So I am scrambling to get a tank. Well after about 2 hours after they told me I could come get him (call first) They finally called me. My poor husband had to go get him. It is really late by now and he has to go to work in the morning. (My husband said he is worth being tired)

My husband comes home and there he is what they named him BUBBA. He is HUGE. I dont know if he is a Jumbo or a Large. So if anyone wants to explain to me how I can measure him (yes I have been reading the forum. So much information)

Well by this time we did not have time to get sand. Poor Bubba... So he is on a towel in the tank with the heater. I double toweled by the heater so he would not get to hot. I do not have a lid for him because everything was literally so last minute. That I put a towel over the time. No climbing things because he is a climber. He was halfway up the box when my husband got him home.

I gave him food and fresh water I know he ate and he went through the water a good 3 times or so for the whole hour he was here before I went to bed. (I think the poor thing was in that box for a day or more. The water dish was dry and sand crusted and the sponges were hard as rocks)

So this afternoon we are going to get poor Bubba some sand. And some other things he needs. Right now he is hiding under the towel. I think he is very hearty so I have faith he will survive until I can get everything set up properly.

Now not to make this longer LOL!

I had owned 2 hermit crabs in the early 90s. I did the whole tank, sand, water, sponge and driftwood. I did have a heat rock then. I read a book! Obviously not a good book. The 2 crabs lasted about 4-6 months. Good thing for the internet now I can properly care for them.

Ok thats it,

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Post by HERMEZ » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:58 am

Congrats on Bubba--you can print the hermie sizing chart to the right and measure him that way,--many people IMHO dont size their crabs right.....I am sure you will take good care of him....If he is that large you should get a 20L tank or larger. I dont know where you are located but you may not need the UTH now....moisten the towels for him he needs humidity until he is set up properly! Good luck with Bubba

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CrAbBy aNd PrOuD
crabbin since 2005.

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:02 am

Wow congrats! Do you know how long the people had this crab? Wonder if he's been the lone crab for a while? Sounds like you'll have a fun trip to the pet store today to get everything your new friend will need. As far as sizing goes, on the Crab Care FAQ pull down on the right --> towards the bottom is where you can get help sizing you crab. Welcome to the HCA and good luck!

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:38 am

I will make sure I moisten the towels. I agree Bubba needs a bigger tank but he will have to make do for now.

Well when my husband picked him up he said they used to keep a 25 gallon take. And when they gave us shells one of the shells had a dead crab in it. Yes I made sure it was dead. Anyway.. the guy said he used to put him on his palm. They did not say how long he was there.

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:47 am

Ok I printed in out and measured Bubba. I am such a wimp. He extended himself all the way out when I picked up. Bout had a heart attack. I dont want to get pinched. Then started running when I put him on the paper. Good Grief!

So if he is in a standing position. With his legs in a bit. He is in Large the most. But if he is walking. He is in Jumbo. So which one is he?

Thanks for the comments.

Yeah I did not expect Bubba to be so big. I was thinking a smaller one. So when he got here I was like OMG hes a monster!

My 1 and half year old. Will grunt at me for everything but somehow he manages to learn how to say Bubba already lol

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:06 am

So Bubba switched shells and I got to see it. :D then he switched back to his old one. I think he needs bigger shells. They dont really seem bigger then him so that will be a priority. He is out and about and the kids dont seem to scare him when they look at the tank.

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Post by HERMEZ » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:40 am

How cool you got to see him switch-- UNREAL there was a dead crab in one :shock:
My big guy is gentle (I dont hold much) but I just got zapped by a wee crab I made a post about it cause he ticked me off good :lol: and it hurt, I dont want to get a large one mad though........I might not have a finger :wink:
CrAbBy aNd PrOuD
crabbin since 2005.

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:52 am

I read your post. Hence why i am such a wimp LOL. I fear the big one pinching me!! LOL

I dont fear my husband getting pinched so he gets pickup Bubba duty lol!

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Post by annopia » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:59 am

My jumbo PP, Big 'un, is the only crab (I have 6) that has never pinched me. I love the bigger guys...so much character! It sounds like you've saved Bubba from a home that was, at the least, neglectful. Are you going to get a friend for Bubba once you get everything set up?

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:51 pm

redfyre wrote:And when they gave us shells one of the shells had a dead crab in it.
I bought a basket of shells from a craft place that had a dead crab in it. It kind of freaked me out.

Good luck on taking care of Bubba! :?

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:12 pm

I've been chuckling reading your posts! The big guys feel more intimidating to me, probably because they are so big... but I also find my largest is the most mellow when he isn't demolishing the tank. :lol:

I'm really glad that you & your family were able to take in Bubba. It sounds like he really needed a good home.

Best of luck!

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:38 pm

Thanks everyone for your posts.

Bubba has character he really does intimidate me. I can take on a lot of things but a small Jumbo crab scares me..sheesh :oops:

Yes I want to get Bubba a friend. Do you reccomend a good size friend for Bubba? I know I could not get one as big as him. Which I do not want anyway. Should I go small or medium or just whatever catches my fancy??

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Post by annopia » Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:44 pm

In the beginning, my Big 'un had companions who were either small or tiny, and he had no problem with them at all, no fighting, no aggression. When I purchased two jumbo straws, however, he most certainly took offense to that, and was very aggressive towards both, so much so I had to put him in "time out" several times. After those two passed from PPS, he has been sharing a 20 g with 2 smalls and 2 tinys, and he has been happy, undisputed king of the crabitat. I think that all four of them piled together would not nearly equal his mass! Two days ago I purchased a medium sized crab, but he is still in iso and I haven't introduced them. So I would go for a small friend.

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:55 pm

New development.

I contacted this lady selling her 4 crabs etc etc with stuff etc. Well she finally got back to me and is coming tomorrow.

I hate to make Bubba wait for sand but she is also bringing a 20 gallon or so tank. I dont want to have to set up a smaller tank then have to do it in the bigger one again.

I am almost positive Bubba can go another day without sand..He has food, water, etc and he is eating and drinking.

So I would like to wait. Is that wrong to wait?

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Post by annopia » Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:03 pm

I think he can wait until tomorrow. I think that he probably needs some exercise though-watch him as he rambles through a room or something, my jumbo needs exercise when he's been confined to a small tank.

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie
