1st time crab owner

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1st time crab owner

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:15 pm

We got our first crabs ever this weekend. I've been wanting to "save" some from uneducated 8 year-olds for a while now.

We bought 3 from an "un-named" pet store and one died (probably that same day). I went back to the pet store and got another crab and he seems to be quite happy. He perches at the highest point in the tank for hours before wandering about for a bit. The other 2 haven't been moving around very much. They've both picked "their" spots and like to stay there. I've been trying to not bug them but I'm worried after losing 1 crab already.

I wanted to thank everyone on the list for all the great advice, caresheets, links to other sites and everything else. This site has been a great help. I would never have known how to set up an appropriate habitat for my crabs without you.

Thanks again!

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Post by annopia » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:21 pm

welcome to HCA!

I hope the two stationary crabs are just de-stressing and not suffering from PPS. the new one you got seems to have definate character! I have also greatly benefited from all the info here and, a year after first getting crabs, my babies finally have a happy and healthy environment.

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:24 pm

Welcome to the HCA! :D These guys helped me a lot when I first got my crabbies, too. They are wonderful. Sorry about one of your little guys passing, but I am glad the rest of them are okay! One thing us crabbers do love is a good set of pictures! :)

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Post by Guest » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:27 pm


I'm hoping than Ignacio (Nacho) and Fenria are ok. The day I brought them home they were all over the place, checking out the tank. Nacho was moving around a little last night but we haven't seen Fenria out of his hidey hole in a couple of days. I tend to be a worrier so it's really hard for me to just leave them alone and not keep checking to see if they're alive. I know that would just stress them out more.


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Post by Guest » Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:31 am

Welcome to the HCA.

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Post by Guest » Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:15 pm

We just got 2 this past weekend as well. I must be honest it was an impulse buy at a shop on the boardwalk, but i fell in love with my 2 hermies and so far what my boyfriend and i thought would be a small investment has turned into a 20 gallon tank, $300, and almost completly rearraging the bedroom to accomidate the little guys!! The plastic box we had them in of course wasnt good enough so while the glass tank was getting up to temp we turned the heat on on our bedroom and sweated ourself out just so the hermies were comfy!! I fell asleep to their chirping and it has to be the cutest sound ever!! I have read so much and been on the internet learning about them as much as possible because the woman in the store told me all i had to do was change the sponge and they'll live for 2 years. HAH! i learned more from Hermit Crabs for Dummies (which is pretty good for us newbies). so I just wanted to say Hi and thanks for all the info and let you know you have a full blown Hermie Addict on your hands here....i'm waiting for one of my little guys to destress a little bit so i can get another!!!!! :D
