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Newly molted crab with broken leg

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:10 pm
by Guest
My crab just molted three days ago. Today he came out of his shell enough for me to notice his leg was broken. It is flexed at the first joint and the tip of his leg is pointing upwards. Is there anything that can be done for him? Can the leg be "reset" while it's still soft? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:17 pm
by BAB
Aww... Poor crabbie...

Just leave the little guy alone and he may end up dropping the whole leg if it's causing him mobility problems. You cannot "reset" it yourself. You would end up doing more harm if you try to.

Give 'em some good grub and watch 'em closely for other issues.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 5:11 pm
by HomieHermie999
I had something like that happen to my sisters crab. It had a rough molt and its legs came our knarled. I did not srop the legs, instead just used them as is would have if it had perfect legs, some of the tips of the leg broke off, but it ended up molting again and came out just fine, as if nothing had ever happened. Good luck with your little guy, i'm sure he will come out just fine!