Molting updates and drama!

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Molting updates and drama!

Post by Guest » Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:59 pm

About a month and change ago, I got two crabs from PetCo (adoption, not purchase) because some kid was being mean to them and his mother took them away. One had a shattered shell (dropped I think) and the other had a lot of busted up legs.... they both went under pretty fast, and one of them (maybe both) has molted!

The one that molted looked about dead when I got him, (the busted up legs one)... but looks pretty good now! He's eating and wandering around a bit. I think he lost a leg in the molt, I can't see at the moment but I dug around where he was and found an entire leg (with a small thin leg inside it) I think he just couldn't shed the exo off the one leg, so he dropped it.

Good news is the rest seem ok (if he would face the other way I could tell better)... but I'm happy he's alive and eating!
Last edited by Guest on Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 25
Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 5:53 pm
Location: Sugar Land, Tx

Post by crystal » Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:48 pm

Wow! That's great that they're in your care now. I hope they continue to do well for you.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:23 pm

:) I'm very happy for you and your little guy. He's very lucky to have you.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:25 am

Congrats :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Topic author

Molting drama all over!

Post by Guest » Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:31 pm

I change the topic name, but now Chip has successfully molted as well! Both of them are doing fine, Chip is shy but Dale is coming out each night to eat and wander around.

Now, I have 9 E's that are all under. UGH! Way to go mass molt! They are small though, so hopefully this is over soon. I've got 4 ruggies under... somewhere... and went in and put another 2" of EE into the PP/Ruggie tank.

That tank is not going so hot... everyone only wants to hide in one of the two coconut huts, and they all dig. The moss pits have fallen from favor, and we have resorted to wanting to go under.

Normally this would be fine, but with 4ish ruggies molting, and my jumbo under it's a pain in the butt. Today however, I dug around the jumbo, and scooted him close to the glass for a window. Some ruggie dug on his head last night, so he was up and then back down, I had debated moving him to ISO, but instead I put a mound of dirt on his head, with a window, and a credit card taped to the glass so he can't see out. I can peek in through the credit card and make sure no one is being a jerk to him...

Then I put the larger food dish on top of that, and since they never dig under that food dish I'm hoping this will work. I keep rearranging the tat (gradually, only moving things a couple inchs at a time and keeping the layout the same) in hopes I can find a way to maximize the ground space... however it looks as though I'm going to just put in a few more coconut huts, and cover the floor with them.

All my guys are molting like crazy, and so far all have been successful. (minus one of the abused guys dropping a leg during a molt, but I'm not concerned as when I got him he didn't eat or drink, just went straight under).

I have 29 crabs now, and all but half a dozen seem to be under most of the time lol... but literally, over half are molting. O.o
