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2 Molters up, 2 to go!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:52 am
by ginapo
It's been a happy week for me! Out of four crabs I currently know to be molting in my 40 gallon, two came up all furry and shy this week!

They were both Es, one that I've had since early summer, and one that I picked up at a Petco in November who I really haven't seen since and was pretty worried. :?

They both look perfect, and the one from Petco has molted into really pretty sunset red and orange tones. He's quite lovely. :cloud9: I'm really thrilled because I've had a hard time with Es in the past, with deaths while under molting, and deformed molts that resulted in deaths. I currently have the highest ratio of sand to eco earth that I've had and I've really got my fingers crossed that it's going to make a difference! I don't like what it's done to my humidity though. Ah well, dealing with it. :glasses2:

Anyways, I just wanted to share, because I'm really glad. It's such a good feeling when they come up with their bright eyes and sharp little toe nails and you know you must be doing something right! I'm just waiting on a third E, and a little Strawbaby for now, and I'm hoping they'll both do just as well. :)

Re: 2 Molters up, 2 to go!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:30 am
by throttlemom
grats on the success! I'm still waiting for two to emerge from December. It's an agonizing wait.
post pics of your little guys!

Re: 2 Molters up, 2 to go!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:18 pm
by SoulLonely
Congrats on the successful molts! It's always such a relief to see them again!

Re: 2 Molters up, 2 to go!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:36 pm
by ginapo
Thank you!

I went to take more pictures today and everyone is hiding! It's like they knew, lol.

Re: 2 Molters up, 2 to go!

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:18 pm
by RedbirdFL
Yay for successful molts!!