surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

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surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

Post by Aussiecrab » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:22 am

G'Day all just joined as i have a question to ask about MR....CRAB. had him since oct 2011, on the first day of prep for my 5yr the unmentionable happin this yr, i took chloe to her first day full of excitement and when i came back discovered what i though was an incrabmain murder LOL i was shocked to the gills as he was spread out all around him including his eyes with 1 claw and 1 large leg hanging out of his shell i quickly scooped everything up with a desert spoon and placed him in my ISO tank as this is our first molt and was unsure if MR...CRAB was alive. i read up on another sight which if fantastic called so i think i have done the right thing i made him a hole and placed him in hehe and left him for 10 days but on the 11th day he came up, i guess to dine on his remains and drink its been 3 more days and he still has that leg but it looks wrong like it hasnt done its molting??? and he is dragging it a lil i will post a pic asap plz experienced hermi owners what do i do???

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Re: surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

Post by amolkentine » Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:34 am

ISO is good, also make sure the food and water is real easy to get to, as long as he is moving around that is a good sign. Just make sure he is comfortable and help him if he needs. Some one will come along and let you know, until then hope this helps.
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Re: surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

Post by annopia » Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:00 am

is it still soft, or has it rehardened? i had a crab who was attacked during a surface molt and still had a piece of exo attached to his shield leg, and i kept the old exo soft by dripping water on it with a pipette several times a day, until he was able to chew it off.

he was fine after his next molt. now, it sounds like it may have been too long already for you to do this, although i'm not sure. it might be best to just leave him alone at this point. if the leg makes it too difficult for him to get around, he may drop it.

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Re: surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

Post by Rocky » Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:09 am

Is he an E? I've heard they can get stuck in their exo more often then others. He should have a source of protien and calcium nearby (if he doesn't already) Like chicken or turkey, beef, cricket, plankton, shrimp, organic peanut butter and organic honey are a molters best buddy. For the calcium you can use cuttlebone, eggshell, oyster shell or calcium powder.
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Re: surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

Post by Craftycrabber » Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:02 pm

I have several e's that have molted incompletely and have a deformed leg to drag around until they molt again. Mine do okay and learn to climb with it and everything. Good luck.
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Re: surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

Post by Aussiecrab » Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:08 am

I put egg shell in the Iso but after 20 mins he did the nekkid thing Omg this happen last night I placed him in a small container with his old shell and 2 others he tried em out a few times so I went to bed after placing the container in the large tank but this morning my poor MR...CRAB was no longer I had this gut feeling I shouldn't of takin him out of the iso and as he had never had egg shell I think I shocked him we r very sad for this loss well I am Chloe hasn't realized as we have 5 other hermits who look similar. :-( next time I will stick with my gutt!!!! I thought the plastic would of kept in the heat better then a glass cup idea but think it's possible he got cold as he was still nekkid :-( but thank u for it help all

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Re: surprise molt above substrate!!!with un molted leg

Post by Rocky » Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:24 am

Did you put a little dechlor water at the bottom? Hermies carry water in their shells to keep their abdomens moist, without their shells they quickly dry out :(
I'm so sorry about Mr. Crab :(
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