by turkey the crab » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:13 pm
Well, about 1 month ago, My crab Turkey, dug down, he had shown no signs of molting and had dug down lots times before. I was getting a little worried that legs had destroyed his tunnel and he was trapped. i decided to give him one more day and then i would see if he was dead. But when i came to check on them today he was on the surface! I still had no idea he molted. But when i was looking around the tank, i saw tiny bits of his old exo. He ate most of it. I can't believe he molted on me like that without showing signs! It's a good thing my other crab didn't eat him, I have no iso tank because i can't afford one. Two questions, What should i do with the remaining exo parts. and as soon as Turkey came up, Legs went down. Is this normal? should i look for him?
Last edited by
turkey the crab on Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2 Purple Pinchers: Legs and Mochi
R.I.P Turkey (PP), Norbert (E), Butter (PP)