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Found Jasper naked!!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:13 pm
by Silver Buttons
He had been molting in a corner of the tank, under the substrate, and I guess Beatrix smelled him out. She had been digging in that area the day before and I just figured she had found a piece of food or something. Turns out that Jasper was there, and the next morning I found him naked! He was still partly buried next to his empty shell. After a moment of panic, I managed to gently scoop him up and put him in iso with fresh water, salt water, lots of damp moss, and several kinds of tempting food. I then placed him in a shallow dish with his empty shell and left him there for about half an hour. When I came back, he was in the shell and hunkered down in the moss! I felt much better then. His color was a nice, dark purpley-red, no body parts were missing, and he was very active and alert, so I don't know why he was streaking. Maybe Beatrix pestered him until he got out of his shell. He seems to be okay now, but I'm leaving him in iso for awhile with his favorite foods.

I gave Beatrix some fresh fish in case she needs extra protein, but now she is burrowing for a molt! Little jerk! And yes, they do have lots of extra shells, and Jasper is more than twice her size, so she couldn't use his shell, anyway. She must have been intrigued by his molting smell and went after him. Shall have to give them more protein foods, to reduce the chance of that happening again.

Re: Found Jasper naked!!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:32 pm
by CrabbyMom33
She may have caught him mid molt, but far enough that he was able to fight her off given his larger size. I'm glad that he seems to be OK. I would keep him in iso for a bit. Also, I'd provide a substitute for the exo just in case Beatrix stole it. Shrimp exo is a good alternate, or just shrimp tails.

Re: Found Jasper naked!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:33 am
by Goliat6288
just a quick question about the shrimp tails... do you have to cut them up or do leave them how they come?

Silver Button - glad jasper is fine. would love to see his color if he is still active.

Re: Found Jasper naked!!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:57 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Goliat6288 wrote:just a quick question about the shrimp tails... do you have to cut them up or do leave them how they come?

Silver Button - glad jasper is fine. would love to see his color if he is still active.
You don't have to cut them up; however, there are certain foods that are guaranteed in my tank to be pulled away from the dish. Shrimp is one of them. I usually cut it into smaller pieces so that everyone gets some, not just the first guy to get to the dish and is then sitting in a corner with an entire shrimp tail!