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Phew one survived molt but he seems to have started a trend!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:11 pm
by jlbcrab
We have one crab that was molting for a while. He came back up but now I think his tank mate is molting they have been tearing up the tank lately. Not sure if I should try to iso the one that may be molting or leave him alone.

We also got 2 new crabs and had them in an iso tank. One of them attempted a surface molt and died :( The other one sat in the salt dish, drank a ton of water, ate and dug down to the bottom never to be seen again. I'd been checking on him and yesterday I was a little worried because I thought he was out of his shell. Then in the shell I could see a pinkish purple pincher. I was seeing his eco and him in this shell! I tried to get some pics but didn't want to stress him out and wasn't getting good ones so I stopped. There is less and less of his eco left when I check so I would say he survived.

Yay but stressful! LOL

Re: Phew one survived molt but he seems to have started a tr

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:55 pm
by hermit lover 09
Congrats! Molts are exciting! I have had a surface molt and she survived, silly crabs sometimes dont know whats best for them

Re: Phew one survived molt but he seems to have started a tr

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:56 am
by ShellCrab