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A bit concerned.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:01 pm
by jlbcrab
I have a crab that just molted (lets call him Cheetah because I can't keep track of my sons names so I gave them my own). The whole time he molted Spike was at the top of the tank. When Cheetah finally emerged (from what I could tell) Spike left him alone. Well then Spike started digging and has been under for 2 days now but so has Cheetah. There was a window where i could see Spike but now I can't.

I have another molter in an ISO tank. Honestly I don't trust Cheetah because he isn't very social with us so I haven't bonded with him but his is also sneaky LOL. Would you dig or just wait and see? if Spike is molting would I kill him if I discovered him?


Re: A bit concerned.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:14 pm
by bksbuddha
:D I personally would leave them be. Has Spike ever attacked anyone before? Sometimes ya just don't know something until it happens.
:? Just wondering why you have one in ISO?

Re: A bit concerned.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:20 pm
by jlbcrab
Spike hasn't. I am afraid Cheetah would attack Spike. He has just been very stand offish and RUNS every chance he gets. LOL mostly I just don't know him well so haven't been able to establish a great relationship with him. Spike is one of our original crabs and is such a sweet heart I am just a bit protective :)

We have one in ISO because we brought 2 new ones home from Petsmart. One attempted a surface molt almost immediately and didn't make it :( The first two nights the other one soaked in the salt bath, drank the water, ate the food and dug. Haven't seen him since. I found a little window to his molting cave and at first thought he was out of his shell but then could see that he was in his shell and a light pink with a lavender pincher. What I was seeing was his exoskeleton. He has been consuming it fairly quickly but has not surfaced and isn't ready to go in the tank.

I just realized I have a 10gallon fish tank we could setup as an emergency ISO or just get Cheetah out our something LOL. But then I haven't seen either of them so I have no clue where they are or what they are doing. Honestly it is driving me a bit nutty! LOL

Re: A bit concerned.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:15 pm
by ShellCrab
I honestly wouldn't bother them, but try to keep an eye on both. :crabbigsmile:

Re: A bit concerned.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:27 pm
by bksbuddha
:) I totally understand your concern, but sometimes ya just gotta let nature do it's thing. Hold tight & just watch & listen. We're always here for ya to support ya. :grouphug:

Re: A bit concerned.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:40 pm
by jlbcrab
That is so hard! I can see spike but can't tell if all is ok. Cheetah (who has now been renamed Rogue) is gone like the night! Hopefully he isn't up to mischief!

Re: A bit concerned.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:06 am
by bksbuddha
:wink: They can be quite the little buggers for making us worry. If you can see Spike & that Rogue isn't near him, then that should reassure you that all is well. Hang tough. :grouphug:

Re: A bit concerned.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:36 pm
by alkg37 ... -a/138.htm

This is the best article about molting I've read and I wholeheartedly agree! :crabbigsmile: