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The once a week fights...

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:40 am
by Oliver's Mom
I have two crabs, a medium, Lucy and a small, Ethel. These two are always sleeping together, eating together and roaming around together. Odd thing is, at least once a week, Lucy, will grab poor Ethel's shell and flip her over and sit on her, or just grab a hold and won't let go. At this point, I have not seen Lucy shake Ethel, trying to get her shell. Ethel's shell is a little big for her but she can retreat all the way in and hide. I don't think Lucy wants the shell though because even though it's big on Ethel, it's too small for Lucy.

Anyway, this will go on, I will catch her and put her in the "timeout tank" as we call it for a couple hours, which she does NOT like. After she calms down, I will put back in the main tank with Ethel and they become best friends again. The cycle will then start all over in about a week or so.

Is this the way crabbies play or should I be more concerned about Lucy attacking little Ethel?
Any suggestions or advice is appreciated. Thanks!

Re: The once a week fights...

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:57 pm
by Skymall007
Do you hear any sounds with this happens? Sounds similar to two of my crabs. They do everything together and then a couple days ago Friendlyfeat attacked Sputnik. Sometimes hermits will try to take the shell of another hermit even though it is clearly too big or too small. I am not very experienced so I shall let a more experienced crab owner really answer the question, but I would keep on eye on them.

Re: The once a week fights...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:09 am
by Oliver's Mom
No sounds at all. I'm curious though how often this happens when I'm not at home or when I'm sleeping. I just happen to catch them about once a week it seems.

Re: The once a week fights...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:32 am
by CrabbyIrene
Are you sure Lucy and Ethel are both girls? If no one is chirping or rocking the other around another possibility could be love!!!! :bigkiss:

Re: The once a week fights...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:03 pm
by Oliver's Mom
LOL, unfortunately when I bring them home, I make up their gender. :oops: I've never seen them far enough out of their shell to be able to tell which they are.

Re: The once a week fights...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 1:08 pm
by CrabbyIrene
I do the same, I name them and hope for the best ! I have 12 crabs and about half I have no idea if male or female, the other half I happened to watching at a good time and got a good look.
Here's a link from a video wolfnipplechips posted of her "newlyweds"
Does it look anything like this?

The once a week fights...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 1:25 pm
by Skymall007
No chirping would mean no anger. Usually she'll fights involve chirping. I also wonder what this is.

Re: The once a week fights...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:13 pm
by HaydenHermie
From what I've researched, if there's no signs of aggression, and there aren't any injuries involved... this could mean that they're REALLY liking each other, to tastefully put it. =)

Yay for hermit crab sexy time? =D XD

Re: The once a week fights...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:18 pm
by Oliver's Mom
CrabbyIrene wrote:I do the same, I name them and hope for the best ! I have 12 crabs and about half I have no idea if male or female, the other half I happened to watching at a good time and got a good look.
Here's a link from a video wolfnipplechips posted of her "newlyweds"
Does it look anything like this?
It kind of does, except Ethel stays tucked into her shell and Lucy doesn't come out that far. As for the chirping, I thought of that and was relieved that they weren't making any noise b/c that's bad. I'm hoping Lucy is just being friendly and wants to play or whatever they do, lol, but I get worried that it will turn into an attack and I pull Lucy off.