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Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:00 pm
by HaydenHermie
I know that a crab pinching is a sign that you're either handling them wrong, or they're just a little crabby and don't want to be bothered. I haven't been pinched, but I'd like to brace myself for what it's like. Does it hurt? Do they hold on long?

Should I wear protective gloves when handling them? I have anti-bite gloves that I use when handling my aggressive snakes, but I feel like a dork using the anti-bite gloves for a tiny crab. XD Since they are thicker, it is also harder to handle a smaller creature.

Maybe I'm just a wuss, but anyone else been pinched?

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:03 pm
by Googli_AWESOME
i have by my old crab before my girl crab googli they usually hold on for about 5secs then let go and yes its very painfull it depends on the claw size if they can actually grab skin by the way i sent you a pm i have another problem

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:27 pm
by emberfusion
It really depends on the size of the crab. I've had small ones pinch me and not want to let go and while it might leave a red mark, it never really hurts that much.

The big ones can pack a wallop, though. I've heard of some big crabs drawing blood/taking meat with them when they finally decide to let go.
Luckily, none of my big guys have even tried pinching me - in my experience, the bigger the crab the more mellow it is (though, that's not always the case).

If you're worried about it, try wearing a jacket with long sleeves so when they're on your hand, if they decide to pinch they'll likely grab more jacket than hand.

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:39 pm
by HaydenHermie
XD If I end up adopting a larger crab, I just might wear the gloves in the begining when I'm seeing their temperment, ect. I normally wear gloves when dealing with anything new. I just feel very strange with these indestructable gloves...dealing with tiny little crabs. Hahaha. But I'm afraid my reaction is going to be to fling the poor thing. So as long as I know I'm protected and I can't feel it, then we'll both be okay. Haha.

I was just curious if it had happened horribly.

And I have replied to your PM. =)

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:14 pm
by Jackolope
Big Oli is big, but i've found that the tips of there legs hurt more than the pincers claws

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:30 pm
by channchann
I have been pinched 2 times both where crabby and one held for 3 sec the other not so much!
It's not fun and hurts depending on the crab. DONT run them under warm water. THEY PINCH HARDER! :shock:

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:33 pm
by wodesorel
I got nailed once by a near-jumbo at the store. It hurt so bad I was on my knees crying! And he took a while to let go. Had a mark on my palm for days. My own fault though, I was trying to get it to come out and I put it on the palm of my hand and he didn't come out, he just latched on. :lol: Even the little ones hurt. >< My micro Buttons had just got done molting and I thought he was being so cute trying to pinch me when I was moving him to the new tank, so being stupid I put my finger there thinking it was a baby crab, how utterly cute would it be? Painful. Not cute, painful. :lol: It took close to ten minutes to get him off, and I ended up having to stick him in the salt-water dish to get him to let go.

My husband flung one once, even though he knew not to. :? He was holding a crab at the store and went to sit down so he could show it to this little girl who was asking us about them. The movement caused the crab to clamp down and he screamed and ripped the crab off it caught him so off guard. (Yes, we got the crab after that, and named her Edwina Scissorclaws, and she was with us for another year.) You don't know how you'll react until it happens. I just stand there with tears in my eyes, but don't ask me how!

I think as long as your careful when holding them and watch to make sure they aren't open-clawed and hunting for flesh before you handle them there is a very very small chance of getting pinched. All of the above stories were us being stupid. :P

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:55 pm
by Crabigail
I have been pinched my one of my bigger Hermies she latched on and omg it hurt so bad she left claw marks it went through the skin. I made the mistake of shakingt hand it hurt so bad and cought me by suprize anyway thank god she didn't get Hirt but yah it hurts

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:37 am
by beccaviolett
My teeny decided he wanted to pinch me 5 times in a row... but because hes the size of my thumbnail, i BARELY felt it. Before Joules De Lorian passed, he gave me a light pinch, and he was a large small, it hurt abit, but nothing to cry about.

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:03 pm
by mothman7
My extra large sized 3 year old jumbo got me once on the palm. It really depends on the size, i guess. He held on for a long time. Not just 5 seconds, but half an hour. Before you actually hold the crab you should probably test the crabs strength first by putting a small piece of eraser bit between the claw, and when the claw clamps down, start counting seconds, or even minutes.

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:44 pm
by kuza
that's endurance, not strength.

Re: Ever been pinched?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:05 pm
by CrabbyMom33
I've been pinched twice. First time was last year on my birthday when I got a new E. I was taking pictures, apparently too many, and he pinched my finger, but not hard. It was more of a "you flash that camera in my eyes one more time and I'll show you what this claw can do" sort of pinch. The second time I was pulling empty shells out of the shell shop to clean it and one of the shells wasn't so empty. I scared the crab and it scared me. I jerked and it let go, but I did have a black spot on the end of my finger from the blood blister for a couple weeks.

Ever been pinched?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:50 am
by Skymall007
I have been pinched three times, once at the pet store and the other two times was Friendlyfeat. The little guy at the pet store was scared. He grabbed my skin and was slowly letting go but the pet store lady kept touching him to get him to let go and so he would go back to pinching harder. I kneeled on the ground and a few seconds later he felt secure enough to let go. The other time Friendly got angry at me for letting him run around on the kitchen floor. Since he is small I thought it would not hurt but it did. He let go after three seconds. Then, realizing his power, did it once more. Other than that I have never been pinched by hermits. It doesn't feel good, but it is not unbearable, at least with my small guys.