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Molter doesn't look 'normal' trying not to freak out

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 6:17 am
by Regina4019
Brief recent history:
My Hermie Potter had a bad molt at the beginning of the year. He came up nakey and was in ISO for over two months. He healed nicely but seemed slower than usual. After an apparent shell fight with a slightly larger crab (new guy) Hermie dug down. He did it along the glass on the side of the tank so I've been okay because I can see him. He's been down there a good month or so and finally yesterday seemed to start his molt. At first it looked like something exploded from what I could see and since I ususally see them looking like two crabs, have tried not to freak. This morning I see his face, and from what I can see, what looks like a squid. I don't know if he is not molting well because of the last molt issue or if it just takes time with difficult molts and this is normal? I looked and didn't see any molting pics of what to expect. I know there's nothing I can do right now but wait and it's making me crazy!

Re: Molter doesn't look 'normal' trying not to freak out

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 10:19 am
by sontron
i don't know about appearence, but i think that you should cover up the side of the glass that yuo can see that crab at. I heard that they release a chemical when they molt that needs darkness to work. Also, it would stress the crab out more to have people watching it at a time when it is so vulnerable.

Re: Molter doesn't look 'normal' trying not to freak out

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:09 am
by Regina4019
Thank you Sontron. I heard that too. The side he's on there is no light unless I look. He always molts like this. The one time he molted where the glass was covered was the one time it went wrong. So I trust his choice.

On a positive note, I can now see legs and he's eating his exo! YAY!