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New Crab mom! Questions...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:25 pm
by Jamie53102
Ok, I have a few questions now about my little crabs.
We first started out with Patty and Eugene about 3 weeks ago. Eugen passed away on Sunday morning. :( it was very very sad for my kids and myself. We went out and got another crab that afternoon so Patty wouldn't be lonely. His name is Krusty. He was VERY active his first day and do was Patty. For the past 2 days they have basically been in the same spot huddled together. Patty is practically on top of Krusty. At first I thought it was cute but they haven't really moved from that spot. I know that one if not both has crawled around at night because the crabitat is a disaster every morning. Are they ok? Should we take them out to play or leave them be until they are more comfortable with their environment?

Second, I have calibrated my hygrometer. I can't get the temp up past 70 degrees unless I use the 60 watt heat lamp. I have a 10 gallon tank with a sand substrate. Salt and fresh water, plenty of food and lots of moss. However, I turn on the lamp and the humidity plummets! I have the half of the tank that's not under the lamp covered and I mist and mist and mist with saltwater and I can't keep the humidity up while the light is on! Please help!!!

Re: New Crab mom! Questions...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:03 pm
by sontron
The crabs are fine most likely, they are probably still just destressing. If they are out at night, than that's great. hermit crabs are naturally nocturnal, so that is when they are mst likely to be out.
Try adding a moss pit to your crabitat. It will help the humidity. There are also a number of other methods that you can use to keep humidity up. One is that yo can use a bubbler in your water dishes. For the temperature, try using an under tank heater. it should help the temp as well. Keep in mind, anything that you do to increase temp will decrease humidity. Try a combination of temp and humidity methods until you get them where you want them.

New Crab mom! Questions...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:04 pm
by Jamie53102
Ok thanks! Is it ok
To take the crabs out
To play with or do
I need to let them be for a few weeks?

Re: New Crab mom! Questions...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:04 pm
by emberfusion
Crabs need time to destress when we get them home. They go through a lot before they reach us and 99.9% of the time, the whole process is rough and far far far from ideal.

That being said, I suggest leaving them be until they become more active and seem much more comfortable.

Misting with saltwater is a no no. If you want to use salt water for your substrate, use it to initially moisten the substrate, but when you mist, always use fresh water. Reason being is the water itself will evaporate, but the salt will be left behind. Misting with saltwater adds more and more salt to the already salty substrate.

What kind of lid are you using to cover the top?

New Crab mom! Questions...

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:17 pm
by Jamie53102
Oh thank you!!! I will start misting with freshwater today!!! I feel terrible! Do you think I've harmed them!?! We have a screen lid right now and I have it mostly covered to keep the humidity in an the fresh air flowing.