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Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:32 pm
by dieselcalves
Hello, I have 3 medium PP's in my 10 gallon crabitat. One of them, Cartman, seems pretty aggressive. Every time that I put a food dish into the tank at night, he immediately goes to it and sort of "guards" it. If either of the other two go near him, he attacks them. I have been putting two food dishes in the tank since I noticed this, and I am pretty sure that the other two are able to feed from the second without Cartman attacking them. Although, it seems since I put Knuckles in the tank about a week ago, Cartman tends to attack him on sight sometimes. I am not sure if it is because he is new and looks different (Knuckles is much more red than Cartman or Plisskin), because that is Cartman's nature, or possibly because there really is not a lot of room in my 10 gallon. Anyone have any advice on what to do, or any insight at all?

Re: Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:45 pm
by fluffy
I'm sure someone will come along with more help but here's my two cents. Your right a bigger tank should be the next thing on your list to buy. Cartman seems like he was starved before you got him. The two food dishes was a good way to avoid any fights but if you have a ISO tank it would be better to ISO cartman for a little bit so he can get the proper nutrition and know that he doesn't need to protect his food and space. Also 4 hermit crabs in a 10gal is pushing it so he is becoming territorial. I'm not sure why he is picking on one crab but I bet someone on here knows. I hope this helps.

Re: Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:51 pm
by dieselcalves
I have 3 crabs, all medium sized, although Cartman is probably more on the medium/large size. Cartman has been eating a lot for about a week straight now, and pooping A LOT hehe. He is the biggest crabs as well, so maybe it is a dominance thing. I do not have an ISO unfortunately. I do have a new 65 gallon tank that I almost have everything I need for. The only problem is that we might be possibly moving in the next month or two, and I am unsure as whether it would be a good idea to set it up, and then have to move in a month. So I have been waiting on setting it up.

Re: Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:54 pm
by dieselcalves
I do realize that I may have made a mistake in getting all medium sized crabs and putting them into a 10 gallon. It probably would have been a much better choice getting smalls. I was "in the moment" and was not quite prepared as far as taking care of hermit crabs. I am not much more learned in their care, and I will not be adding any more crabs, even when I eventually get my 65 gallon setup. I do feel pretty bad about my lack of knowledge that lead to my decision. However, I am trying to do my best now.

Re: Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:26 pm
by fluffy
I know how it is with being unprepared when buying hermit crabs. It's never fun. But when you do get that tank set up take some pictures I would love to see it. If he is eating a lot he could be preparing for a molt. Sorry I'm not much help

Re: Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:28 pm
by dieselcalves
I was thinking that it could be possible he was preparing for a molt as well. Although, I have not seen him do much with the salt water in the tank.

Re: Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:53 pm
by Bridgitmac80
I can't wait to see your new set up!!! I am about to upgrade from a 29g to a 55g (will be taking my time with it) and love to see what others have done and borrow their ideas lol (I am not crafty)

I would say it's probably a combination of things. #1 space, #2 he might want the shell the other one has, dealing with that now myself. #3 he probably is starved and that's why he's guarding the food which he could be getting ready for a molt. I've read they gorge themselves before hand then after they come up. I've always done 2 dishes since getting our crabs, 1 for fresh food and another for the freeze dried stuff that can stay longer than 24 hours. Right after George came up from a molt the other day I had 4 food dishes out since he was so hungry.

After upgrading tanks you can easily get a few more crabs. With space like that you could even get E's! I try to use the golden rule of 5g per crab, 7g per crab for E's since they dig and tunnel so much (man have they made a mess!!!!)

Welcome to the addiction and hope things get better soon!

Re: Crab Agression

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:00 pm
by Jennybecca
Hi dieselcalves
I caught your post and thought maybe this should be brought up for you... :-)
Even in a small colony of crabs there is a hierarchy and yeah it has a lot to do with size. While I know we got some fisty wee ones and some gentle giants, basic insintic generally rules a crabitat.
Your big guy is probably expressing this behavior because space is limited. With such limited space your also going to run into issues when it comes to molting also.
Watching the development of the hierarchy is fun and sometimes rather stressful for us sitting on the other side of the glass, and I would bet giving them more space they would feel less threatened,however food dish dominance seems to be something that just comes with the territory.
There doesn't seem to be much more you can do until you can get that new tank set up in your new home, don't stress until then.... Trying to move a 65 full of sand would stress me out more than waiting..... :-)
If you see aggressive behavior : crab crawling onto other crab and shaking or extending bp at other crab... Then consider a make shift temporary iso.
They push, and they block, they have feeler chats, they can be down right bullish, and that is quite normal....
(I have a crab that will punch another crab right out of a pit.... Or put a leg up to keep another from passing..... She's very..... Bossy.)
Good luck and enjoy them.! :-)