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Old escapee found!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:46 pm
by sontron
A while back, I had a hermit crab escape, and another one disappeared. After I realised one escaped (we found it and put it back in the tank; it's fine now) I removed their escape rout.

Now, months later, I found myself believing that the other died or was underground doing hermit crab things. Well, my dad was trying to find a change drawer, and he found one. HE saw that there was a rock in it, and he took it out, only to find it was not a rock, but e hermit crab! I don't know how, but he was able to climb up the change container (and this is one of those 2 foot tall ones shaped like a glass bottle) and get stuck in it. The best part; he's perfectly fine!

He's back in the tank now, eating some apple, and I'm glad he's okay. It really makes me wonder, though, if he'll still try to escape if he gets the chance...

Re: Old escapee found!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:51 pm
by kuza
wow nice!!

Re: Old escapee found!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:01 pm
by Emily
Hopefully he got taught a lesson and will not want to leave again!
Awesome that you found the crab though :) Yay!

Re: Old escapee found!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:30 pm
by HermitCrabingrid
How long was he out?

Re: Old escapee found!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:06 pm
by Careyenz
That's crazy! I hope his exploring days are over!

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Re: Old escapee found!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:14 pm
by fluffy
Wow, lucky crab to be found. I wouldn't be surprised if after some rest he tries at it again. When mine escaped and was out for three days I out him back in. A week later I re-did the tank and he was trying to get out again. But a few days is waay different then a few months! :) Glad he is okay.

Re: Old escapee found!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:01 am
by CallaLily
Glad you found and that he's OK!

Back in the very beginning of my crabbing, I had an escapee. We looked everywhere for her with no success. Six months later, my husband was under the house installing new insulation and found her body (and shell). :(

Fast forward to a couple years later and I had another escapee that I found clinging to the bottom of the refrigerator. I had good heavy lids and didn't dream a crab could lift them! After that I kept it weighted down with heavy books.

And just this summer, I moved the crabs into a temporary bin set up and placed them on the porch because we were having our house bombed for bugs. The little boogers ripped open the screen I had glued in for ventilation and were all over the porch! We found most of them that day. When I'd just about given up hope on ever finding the others, they started turning up in weird places in the yard. Under the lawn mower (parked), in the wild strawberries pigging out. In the grass. We found them all. :)

So, my point. Never underestimate a hermit crab's ability to escape!

Re: Old escapee found!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:07 am
by sandra03
crazy that it was still alive and in good health after so long out. @__@ that's one tough crab lol
when we clean the tank we put ours in a plastic storage bin with some substrate and some shells and snacks and we have to constantly keep checking on him. we don't put the lid on tight for airflow and he figures it out really quick. last time he had such a deathgrip on the edge of the container i had to fight with him for like 15 minutes to get him back inside