Is there such a thing as TOO active?

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Is there such a thing as TOO active?

Post by Tmama » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:27 pm

So, for the last year, my crabs only come out at night. If myself or my kids or husband get up or turn the lights on, they get in their shells right away or run for cover. The last week or so, one particular crab seems to be out all day and some of the night too. And this one (Chrissy) no longer gets scared when we are out and about. I actually put my hand in the tank and lightly petted her and she just sat there and let me. Is it normal for a crab to become so comfortable or to come out during the day?!

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO active?

Post by NinjaPurgs » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:51 pm

I have had a few people on here tell me that they have active crabs during the day. It all depends on the crab. This is normal though I believe. Do you have a daylight bulb on the tank during the day, or a florescent bulb, or maybe just a lot of indirect light hitting your tank?

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO active?

Post by Tmama » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:52 pm

I actually don't have any lights on my tank at all, the tank gets whatever natural light comes in from the window.

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO active?

Post by CallaLily » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:58 pm

I have a few crabs who come out occasionally during the day. Usually just for a quick drink or bite to eat. Most take off as soon as I approach but I have one or two that will hesitate for a second then go back to what they're doing. I'm mostly a hands off crabber though so if you handle this crab quite a bit, I think it's possible it's simply become used to you.

Now, is it possible for crabs to become too active? I'd say yes. A stressed crab could suddenly become very active. I would be sure conditions are right, plenty of good foods, clean waters, extra shells and just keep an eye on this guy. If he's spending a lot of time eating, drinking, and/or shell shopping he could just be preparing for molt.
Last edited by CallaLily on Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO active?

Post by NinjaPurgs » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:59 pm

It's still pretty normal for them to be up during the day. My crabs sleep during the day even though I have a florescent light on the tank. Some crabs like the day & others like the night. As long as the tank conditioners are good, and they're eating well, I wouldn't worry about it. They may just be getting use to you. If you're worried, just keep an eye on them for awhile and updates us on any changes that worry you.

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Re: Is there such a thing as TOO active?

Post by Tmama » Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:12 pm

The conditions are good. I did unplug the heater yesterday because it is 80 degrees in the house so the tank was getting too warm. I have lots and lots of shells and this particular crab is almost always shell shopping or climbing in the moss pit. When she is out during th day I never see her drinking or eating. I will deffinately keep you guys updated, thanks so much!!
