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PP's fighting?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:45 am
by vwmissy
So I just noticed two of my PP's fighting I'm assuming. The one was on top of the other who was backed in his shell chirping. So I tried separating them because I panicked and the one on top stayed clamped on to the other guy and went I sat them down he positioned himself and started going into the other guys shell again... Is he trying to pull him out of his shell so he can have it? I'm confused. I don't want my crabs hurting one another :(

Re: PP's fighting?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:58 am
by crabbycolony
yes. it's a shell fight. sperate them and kep a eye on them. if the tank is close to you chiring will wake u up and u can seperate them again

Re: PP's fighting?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:16 am
by vwmissy
I went today and bought even more shells thinking it might help but actually this morning the one who was getting picked on switched shells so the bully could have it I guess so we'll see hopefully the fightings over!

Re: PP's fighting?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:01 am
by cjmiller
Is chirping kind of the tell tale sign of a fight? My crabs like to...I'm not sure how to explain it....push each other around a lot. Sometimes they will climb on top of another one and stay there for a while with the bottom crab curled into it's shell, and then climb off. I always assumed unless I see one clamped on and shaking the other one, or if I don't hear chirping, more than likely it is just normal wacky crab behavior to show dominance. I'm not sure if that is accurate or not.

If one if chirping though I would think it to be more than just normal crab curiosity. I haven't had any of my crabs actually dig into the opening of another crabs shell either so that would concern me too. My only advise (as a very new crabber) is just to keep an eye on them and keep separating them. Make sure there is enough shells, and if it continues to be a problem, isolate the bully crab for a while.

Re: PP's fighting?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:54 am
by CrabbyMom33
When I hear chirping I at least go see what is happening. Sometimes it's best to just watch for a bit and see what happens. Sometimes you can just have a trouble maker and it's not a shell fight. I have an E, one of the smaller crabs in the tank, that whenever I hear chirping I almost always find this one on top of another crab that is pulled into its shell. He does it to everyone (well, except my largest PP who just swats him :D ) and it seems more like harassment than a shell fight.

If the crab is grabbing at the limbs of the other crab, then that is likely a shell fight. I would separate them, then move the aggressor to another part of the tank. Always move the one causing the trouble. A small flashlight works wonders to separate them. I have a small water resistant one with a softer plastic coating. The light frightens them and the flashlight gives you a small item to push them apart without getting your fingers in the middle of things. All I have to do now is shine the light on my obnoxious E and he runs away. :hlol:

Re: PP's fighting?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:01 pm
by Tetra4CClyPtus
How many shells do you have in the crabitat?? I would get more of them , so they would have lots to choose from