FINALLY got back to this silly thing!
I'll have to post pictures later today or tomorrow. Right now I'm just trying to cool down a bit before I go back to work outside. Yay for forums in a cool house!
We got the thing torn down into pieces about two months ago. The glass just sits in plastic channels and then that rests on the wooden base - nice and easy design. The huge pains of glass are sitting downstairs under the porch where the cats cannot get to them.
Right now I'm peeling off all the dried veneer on what will be the inside of the base - it's already cracked and peeling so it'll be impossible to finish to a waterproof seal as it is. I'm also sanding all the wood down so I can stain it soon. It's kind of fun, if you like boiling hot sun! I'm hoping I can get the major sanding done today so all that's left will be dremmeling the tight bits.
I've given up on all the foam ideas - I'm down to a bare-bones case due to money troubles. (gotta love kittens not) It'll just be finished wood, siliconed glass, and the stump from the crab apple tree we were forced to cut down in the devil's strip. (Stupid city ordinances - the tree was there when we moved in!) Not as nice, but I hope still interesting!