Your Favorite Lid?

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Your Favorite Lid?

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:49 am

What is your favorite type of lid for you crab tank?

I just set up a 20L and it came with a fish tank hood but well, I hate it. It is a pain to get into the tank for maintenance. I had a glass lid for my 10gal and it was ok but I had some escaping issues as well as excess humidity at times. I'm thinking of a screen with clips but am worried about how this will affect my temp/humidity. What do you more experienced crabbers say?

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Post by Kilimanjaro » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:54 am

I am actually using a fish hood for my 55G right now and I love it! :lol: It's nice because I can use lighting easily and the flaps lift right up for me to rearrange or grab items. :glasses2:

Plus, there are many holes in the back so I can run my different electrical cords out of the 'tat. :)

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Post by suebee » Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:50 am

i have a heat resistant screen top from Petco that opens with a hinge. I can open one half at a time on one tank and the other lid the front or the back open. I have press and seal wrap on the top. I like this lid due to being able to have my repti fogger on top. I can get into the tank quick without having to remove the fogger.
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:36 pm

I use a screen lid, my humidity stays fine but I live in Florida so my humidity is usually up there anyways years long. I do mist alot though and I do use towels a few times a day for on top.

Mine do climb on the screen :roll: They figured out to use the shell shop and now that's what they do to drive me batty :lol: I do keep my water supplies on top of tank so no one escapes :wink:

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Post by suebee » Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:10 pm

You can get clips to hold the lid down.. I find them a great addition. Most pet shops that sell the lids sell the clips.. One time I found a crab two rooms away from the tank.. I did a OMgosh count and thank goodness he was the only escaped one.. He got renamed Al for Alcatraz jail escapee.
I buy from ELHC or HCP, I CANNOT RECEIVE PM MESSAGES SO EMAIL ME,anytime! visit my Hermit Crab Dollar Store. Crabbing from aprox 1974- I own 12 Species,On Face Book-Susan Staff's Coenobita Research of New Jersey

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Post by KrisDutt » Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:18 pm

Al sounds like my Tiny :)

I plan on getting some clips soon. I redid my tank and did the shell shop really up high (they love going up it seems) In fact I have one just chilling in there now and only comes down at night now.

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Post by scyllarus » Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:10 pm

interestingly enough, i'm using the board from "the game of life" and it works surprisingly well. it's got three flaps, so i can usually get to things pretty easily, it's plastic coated, and as long as it's weighted down i don't worry about my crabs escaping.

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Post by Lee56 » Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:38 pm

My 55 gal has the screen cover from Petsmart. I used light weight clear vinyl, cut to fit the screen cover and just taped it to the top of the screen lid. I have one end rolled back to allow circulation and to regulate the humidity. I have two large (10") shells that I sit on top of the lid to weight it down and because I like displaying the shells.

My humidity stays pretty constant. I sometimes mist the shell shops to keep the moss moist, but I don't have to do it every day to keep the tank humidity up.

You can get clear vinyl in different weights at a fabric store. Or you could probably use a clear shower curtain.

I don't have any lights specifically for my tank. There is a hanging ceiling light over it for when I extra light.

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Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:47 am

I rather like my fish tank hood on the 30 gallon...... or I did, until the cats finally broke the clips off and I had to duct-tape it permanently in place so it would fall into the tank. Stupid furry things....

The screen lids are okay - I've got three store-bought ones. The ones with the hinge in the middle are my favorites! Much easier to use than ones that have to be removed completely or that just have a tiny door. (I've got one of each.) I covered the inside of all the screen lids with a ziploc freezer bag and duct tape to hold the moisture in.

I also have a home-made screen lid. It's made with an old window screen we had laying around and some duct tape. I lined the inside with a plastic bag, and had to cut a big hole in the middle since the 150W bulb was too long to sit on top. It's horrible, but it's lasted in this house of cats for months without and escape or accident. I kinda like it the best since it's easy to completely remove, or I can lift just the heat lamp and use the hole to add food or check on the crabs. The only reason I made it was because I was using an old 15 gallon hexagonal tank and you cannot find lids for those!
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Post by Guest » Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:48 am

I use a screen lid with cling wrap attached to it. It holds humidity in better than my old fish lid. :)

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Post by Guest » Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:01 pm

i took a piece of plexi glass, drilled holes in and put it one top. it lets a lot of light in and can easily slide off.

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Post by Guest » Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:25 pm

I am currently using a fish tank cover which I like for the light but hate for getting in/out of the tank. Next move will definitely be screen covers, hopefully split top ones. Now, if I could just win the lottery :hail:
