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Post by missAlfalfa » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:54 am

Okay guys, I've had a serious lack of luck and creativity when it comes to plants and decor for my tank.
I decided to go with a live plant and see how it went. Well, it was great... While it lived.
I made sure it was a plant for tropical climate... And it lasted about 2 weeks.
I spent 4 bucks on 1 plant that was dead in 2 weeks.
The cost isn't in my favor.
Any suggestions for easier plants... Or for keeping them alive? I Dont have much of a green thumb.

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Re: Plants..?!

Post by CallaLily » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:08 pm

Fake plants. Check out craft stores, pet stores, WalMart, even dollar stores for plastic plants. You can find ones that look really nice.

There was another crabber on here some time ago that spent a good chunk of $$ on live plants only for the crabs to tear them up quickly. The only other problem I can think of is lighting - make sure you're providing them with the right type. Low light plants would be easiest. I'm not the best with live plants either, so I'll let someone more knowledgeable chime in with the details on lighting.

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Re: Plants..?!

Post by landlubber » Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:08 pm

I have some live plants-but they don't do much better for me than they did for you. I use spider plants, pothos and wondering jew clippings rooted in EE and worm castings with some pebbles in the bottom of a planter (hanging shower caddy). Since they are just clippings they look great for the short time the crabs allow them to live but once destroyed I just clip a few more pups from the momma plants and its no big deal-no great expense. Also being in the shower caddy not every crabs is walking on them and pulverizing them so they last a little longer. These plants do well in lower light with little water. I think the airplants and those species need more light than I can provide in my set up at the moment. I also always have planters going on my windowsill to replace the seed sprouts I also use as live plants. Super cheap and easy, chia, alfalfa, bean sprouts. Just plant new ones when the old are eaten.
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Re: Plants..?!

Post by Sweet Pea » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:20 pm

The plants that I have tried to plant in Ecco earth have all died. I keep them in small pots, and eventually all of them would die if I didn't rotate them out of the tank. Some of the ones that have worked best for me are pothos, peace lily, and spider plant. I also sprout barley and sunflower seeds, as well as some organic garden seeds or my daughters parakeet seed. The seeds sprout, grow a while, and eventually die. The crabs love it and it gives cover to the pill bugs in the tank.

Any time I buy a new plant I keep it outside of the tank for at least three months. They are crazy about baby tears. I usually let them have one every year or so. They eat it in no time.

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Post by kornchaser » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:25 pm

Image ImageThat big leafy plant in the back left corner under the moss pit has been doing great for over a month or so. It's actually the top of a pineapple, I forgot who recommended it but it's fantastic. Some leaves are half dried/dying but it makes a great climbing toy that lasts and stands up to my biggest's (Baby in the tulip there) wear and tear.

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Re: Plants..?!

Post by landlubber » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:08 pm

That is a good idea! Can't pineapple tops take root also?
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Re: Plants..?!

Post by missAlfalfa » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:21 pm

I only use sand, so I had no idea how a plant would root. I kept it in the little pot it came in.
I wasn't sure about fake plants because I wasn't sure if they are all safe.
That pineapple top looks great though! What a good idea. I'm gonna look into all of this. Lol. Thanks a bunch guys [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

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Re: Plants..?!

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:58 am

landlubber wrote:That is a good idea! Can't pineapple tops take root also?
I believe so.

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