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Re: shower caddy level

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:51 pm
by jarteta97
Okay, to answer some of your questions:

1. Yes, sand dollers are perfectly fine, add all the beachy decorations you want :)

2. I believe if you check the care sheets, they have information on ecuadorians. What I can personally tell you is that they are aggressive, and need a LOT of substrate depth, 10 inches minimum, and more if you can. They also like saltwater more than PPs do, I believe, so you might see them in the SW more often than others might.

3. ABG mix is the standard soil mixture used for vivariums and terrariums, at least in the frogging world, and it's very nutrient rich. It's not necessary, but I threw some in the shower caddy just to give them some variety. I place leaf litter in there and they love to munch on it, just make sure it's sanitized and pesticide free. You could potentially plant stuff in the ABG mix, but you would need proper lighting (5000K to 6500K), and the crabs would likely eat any plants before they grew too much.

4. I used I believe 9 blocks of eco earth to reach 10 inches in half of my tank, but I also mixed in the eco earth with play sand in about a 1:5 mixture (1 part sand for every 5 parts eco earth). If I could go back, I would not have divided the substrate. In hindsight, I realize now that I am giving them half the area in which to tunnel and move when molting or digging. I worry constantly about it, and as soon as I have the majority of my crabs up, I'm going to try and rip the divider out. So you can create two sides, but don't put a physical divider between them.

5. Honestly, I just mix the poop in with the substrate. It would be almost impossible to get every little turd in there if I cleaned LOL, plus it's all organic. Also, I have a few springtails in the tank, which help clean up decaying matter like the poop, and I'm going to start adding more and more until I get a substantial population.

6. I couldn't tell you the best place to buy cholla, but if you do some searches, some craft stores sell nice, cheap pieces, and ebay often has good deals. Here's a website I have bookmarked:

7. I had a pretty bad fruit fly problem recently, but I realized it was because I wasn't changing out the fruit early or often enough. I bought a small little trap and placed it on top of the tank. I vented the tank daily and changed fruit every other day, and they mostly went away.

Oh and I had an aqueon versa top for my old 40B, and it worked great, if it says 18x36, then it will fit.

Re: shower caddy level

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:51 pm
by ClawedIntoMyHeart
2. Iooked over there after asking the question LOL (mrs. smarty pants over here :roll: ) Anyways, I heard that this was the next easiest species to care for is this true? I could do deep substrate no problem, I am planning on doing 8" for my PP's now that I know how big they actually are lol. But I really wanted to have another species after a while and thats why I was looking into these. I was planning on doing two small ones and the rest would be PP's (my current 3 medium/one almost large, and add two more teeny or small) until I am able to upgrade even more in the far future, would this be ok in my 40 gal or should I really just stick with PP's? If E's arent the right kind to get next, are there any other species you would recommend for me?
What do you mean by aggressive? Will I have problems with them eating the PP's during molts (I get really attached to them)? Or if the substrate is deep enough they should be fine?
Also where can I get some? The pet stores usually ONLY get PP's, there was 1 time I saw a single E and after that never again.

3. Thank you! I will probably do the leaf litter because I would really like to try having isopods in there. I have been researching them for an hour :shock: its crazy how much information and care there is for such little bugs. We have them EVERYWHERE where I live so I dont think I have to order any LOL. I lifted up my doghouse yesterday and they were all running around even with snow!

4. Is this in your 90 gal current tank or your old 40? Cause if it was in the 40 I will be sure to get 3 packs and maybe a couple extra single blocks.
Also with the divider- I wasnt planning on doing half and half my plan was 3/4 eco and 1/4 of the tank sand, but based on what you said I probably wont use a divider. Is there a way I can divide it but not permanently? Like just slide something in there instead of stick it to the tank. We have this corrugated plastic type stuff that was made for a guinea pig cage. They peed on it and spilled water on it and it never got messed up, but do you think it would for what I am doing?

5. I did that today hehe... I looked those and pill bugs up today, I decided on pill bugs cause springtails freak me out LOL.

6. Thank you! I saw some on amazon the other day too that werent bad.

7. Okay, I will change the fruit more often, I actually opened the tank up today to feed em, and there were a few in there -.- I gave them that food the night before last......Ugh. I will most likely have to do the trap thing. Apparently those buggers are just sitting and waiting for the crabs to not eat, even in winter!

Yay! The aqueon one is a dollar cheaper lol, not much but that could pay for a small plant! XD

I really wish that everytime you upgraded a tank, the funds were just sitting smack dab inside of it so itd be done in a day! Not in a month ughhhh I WANNA SHOP I am becoming impatient already lolz

Re: shower caddy level

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:33 pm
by jarteta97
2. I wouldn't say that ecuadorians are the next easiest to care for, but rather the second most common after PPs, and this where people get confused. They are known for their aggression, in that they love to tunnel and our linked to molting deaths, as well as fighting and pushing on the surface level. Strawberries are gentle and pretty, but they require as much substrate depth as Es and it seems that many people lose them earlier than other species. The longest I've had one is a year and I've heard of 5 years from some others.

3. I have isopods culturing right now, dwarf white isopods that i ordered online, I am currently waiting for them to boom before I put a bunch in my dart frog tank, then I might place some in my hermit crab tank. Also, springtails are tiny tiny, so they're not that freaky IMO, plus they culture much quicker than isopods.

4. Yes this was for my current 90 gallon, but for half of it, so think of it as a 45 gallon tank I guess. Get 2 or 3 packs (of three) and you'll be good. Honestly for dividing the sub, just place a temp divider like described, pour in respective sides, and then remove the divider and let it rest as is. The two subs will likely mix, but it's inevitable and best for the crabs.

Just keep looking up cholla pieces and I'm sure you'll find good deals. I hope the fruit flies disappear for you lol. And I find that breaking purchases into segments, getting something new every month or so, works out best and it really leads to you putting more time and effort into the tank.

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Re: shower caddy level

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:31 am
by ClawedIntoMyHeart
2. I dont think I want to do straws yet until I get a really big tank to be able to hold a bigger SW pool and more substrate but still have climbing space for PP's.
Do you know much about ruggies and aussies, or even Indos? There isnt much written about them in the care guides on em.

3. I think them being so tiny makes them even freakier LOL! I dont like the fact I can hardly see a freaky insect so idk where it could be :lol:

4. I bought 9 blocks total, and I have a 10th one left over from last time I went there, so I think I have plenty. I also bought 2 corner shower caddies, 4 packs of suction cups, 2 water dishes (they are just critter keepers, walmart literally had no good tupperwares) zip ties, playsand and some forest moss. And now I am broke LOL. So it is coming together, slowly but still happening none the less :) I am very excited :D
Okay I just will have them divided without a divider and let em mix, especially if its better for the little guys.

Yeah I hope so :)
Yeah I agree, I have most off the important stuff, all I need now is heater, hydrometer (which I can never seem to find at walmart, only crappy thermometers -.-) a lid lol and just all of the decor and I am good to go :banana:
Thanks for all the help everyone!

Re: shower caddy level

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:34 am
by jclee
Just to hop in on the tininess of the springtails, they'll almost look like sand grains that have mixed into your EE. If ever you have the opportunity, take a look at them in real life before you give up completely. :)

Re: shower caddy level

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:18 pm
by ClawedIntoMyHeart
Ok I certainly will if I can even find any in person. I dont know of any places that sells them.

Re: shower caddy level

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:31 am
by soilentgringa
Aussies are near impossible to get as I don't think you can get them outside of Australia; I've only seen a couple of people with them in the U.S.
Same with Blues and Indos.

People mistake Ruggies for E's a lot and sometimes you will see Rugs in a pet store but not often.

Basic hermit crab care is the same for all species, however the exotics tend not to live nearly as long in captivity.

I think the oldest straws we know of here at HCA have been with their owner for around 5(?). Someone can correct me on that because I may be mistaken.