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Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:34 pm
by Ryry
In light of my impending adoption I have to get my tank ready. Any suggestions would be great! I need/ want to add a few more inches of sub to the tat. Today I bought some ee bricks and I put a whole brick into the tank. It gave me about one more inch. I'm afraid of doing too much on top because I have one possible molting crab and I have another who buries every day. I was pretty confident I knew where they were so I just lightly sprinkled ee over them.
Do you think it's safe to add another two inches of ee sand mix?
I also got a piece of wood to hang in the middle of the tat. I'm loving the way it all is looking. i have a few more pieces of cholla wood and plants on the way, so until I get that and my pools set up I'm not done yet!
Any ideas are welcome. Especially if you have any tricks up your sleeve about hanging thing for a second story. I need a good shell shop soon. Shells are currently on top of the 'closed' pool lol.

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:37 pm
by Ryry

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:51 pm
I like my raised shell shops. Theyre suction cup soap dishes. The sub gets tracked by the climbs to get there so the shop doesnt get too dirty. It does fall on occaision, though.
Adding sub is no prob. Just dont pack it down, i dont think itll bother molters at all. Sand it pretty strong when moist.
Second levels, im getting into the idea of building platforms. I like that the crabs can dig against the pillars thatre buried in the ground and possibly hide behind something.

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Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:06 pm
by Ryry
Totally right there with you on platforms. I want some corner shell shops but would u believe I'm having a heck of a time finding them? I've ran all around Walmart and they didn't have corner pieces. Rude. I'm thinking I'll just order some from Amazon.
The wood that I'd 'floating' in my tank is zip tied to the center support beam and the back end is resting on a plastic box. I am in the middle of making a hide that will take the place of the box. Next I think is more vines an what not.
I'm glad u think it's fine to add more sub. I was thinking just putting it on top can't hurt- but then what do I know? Lol

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:16 pm
by jarteta97
I think I found my corner shower caddies from Target, if that helps :)

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:34 pm
Meh, theyre crabs. They can handle a lil bit o sand
I wanted corner caddys too but i wanted clear and everything was expeeeensive! Plus, i figured i wanted to reserve the corners for the pools, but now that i think about it, i can have corners AND pools! Yeyuh!
Lookin fwd to your upgrade! It sounds like a great time

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Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:37 pm
by Ryry
I'll check it out! Thank you! I feel like I'm on such a time crunch! I'm getting two crabs Sunday and two on Tuesday!! Exciting but now all I can think about is what to make better before they come. I know I need more sub, and since the last two are different kind than what I have I just want to b prepared.
I have PPs and I will b getting one viola and one indo on Tuesday. I feel bad they won't have a specie buddy but at least they know each other lol.
I have been reading up on them and they are both a more active breed. Any first hand knowledge is welcome too!!

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:46 pm
by jarteta97
Thanks for the reminder :) I just put a wanted ad on craigslist for exotics. I might not get anything, but you never know :)

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:58 pm
by Ryry
That's the spirit! I found my first adoption through Craig's list. I've been trolling on there hoping to find something. And I totally did!! This Sunday a lady is giving me her two PPs she can no longer look after, and she's giving me some shells and cholla wood and what not. I am super excited for the crabs and the goodies. This way I can use the new stuff to update the tank one last time before my other two come in. I think that's when I'll get my sub up to where I want to be.

I am just so excited! My friends and family all think I'm crazy... Lol

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:06 pm
by jarteta97
Yeah, my parents and friends think I'm crazy. And now that you mention the cholla, I think I'll ask for any supplies too :)

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:41 pm
by Ryry
It's a good idea. If they are looking to get rid of everything then it's a win. Food, sub, climbing stuff, shells, and extra ISO tank stuff. I'm getting a small ISO tank and I'm super excited :) it's all so exciting!

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:06 am
by wodesorel
Corner caddies are with the DIY bath stuff, back with the plumbing and paint. It took me three trips before I found them. ;)

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:03 am
by jarteta97
Lol, when I went to Walmart my first time searching for them, I could not find them anywhere!

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:35 am
by Ryry
I couldn't find them at Walmart and then I finally asked someone where they were they didn't have the corner ones... >:/ rude. I'll try target tonight, hopefully get some better sized pools too. We also have a hobby lobby that just opened up, so I'm going to swing by and look at the shells and what not

Re: Operation Adoption

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:01 pm
by Ryry
So one of my possible molters came up last night to eat and change a shell. Now he is back in his little corner digging back down. He is not buried yet though. If I'm going to add some sub to the tank do you think it's ok for me to pull him out? The top of his shell is still visible, and it looks more like he's just digging than getting ready to molt again. I just don't want to freak him out or make him have to use too much energy to re-dig his little tunnel. Unless people thing it's not that big of a deal.