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Second Level Help!!

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:09 pm
by clynne
Okay so for a while now I've been wanting to build a second level. I have a bunch of that mesh like plastic stuff that I see people making bridges and ramps out of. I was wondering how i could make a second level using that material. I started building already but I don't know how to make sure it is sturdy, I've been using zip ties to secure the pieces to one another. Any help/ pictures would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Second Level Help!!

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:08 pm
by Rebecca C
I haven't tried making a second level completely out of mesh before, but I would think that it would be difficult to make it sturdy enough. You can try doubling the sheets up, and it might work, but if it doesn't, you could use those little plastic baskets that you can get from a dollar store, or a shower caddy. Locking suction cups tend to work nicely to hold seconds levels like that up. :wink:

Re: Second Level Help!!

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:33 am
I tried to make a floating shell shop out of plastic canvas and it was a big time fail. I think it could have worked out if i spent more time fussing with the design but in the end i scrapped it. Now i get acrylic bins and build plastic canvas "liners" and that seems to work a bit better for my pools. But second leveling, i have not, because that would end up too heavy and i am not confident in hanging it.
I might try, however, turning something upside down and incorporating plastic canvas, to make platforms for levels.

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Re: Second Level Help!!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:09 pm
by clynne
Okay, well I had made the structure and it worked pretty well at first but slowly over time it started sagging so I took it out. I'm currently brainstorming for a better way. Suctions cups never seem to stay up no matter what technique i use to put them up! Any other suggestions?

Re: Second Level Help!!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:49 pm
Take a pic so we can see

Crabbers unite!!!

Re: Second Level Help!!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:30 pm
by moonbeam
clynne wrote:Okay, well I had made the structure and it worked pretty well at first but slowly over time it started sagging so I took it out. I'm currently brainstorming for a better way. Suctions cups never seem to stay up no matter what technique i use to put them up! Any other suggestions?
For a more permanent solution to suction cups check out this thread.
It would require housing your crabs in a different enclosure for a few days to set up but I put these in my tank and love them. I never have worry about the stability of what I'm hanging and I can rearrange as often as I want with little to no hassle.

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Re: Second Level Help!!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:46 pm
by clynne
That looks awesome!! I'm currently trying to get a bigger tank and If/when I do, I will definitely be using that! Thanks!

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