New Items: Good or No?

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New Items: Good or No?

Post by khs12 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:32 pm

I just went to PetSmart and bought a few new things that my crabs needed. I was considering buying another one but it looks like they didnt have any today.
First thing I got was a bottle of salt water solution and my question is: Will this be sufficient for them? I was initially going to buy the salt solution powder and mix it in with the dechlorinized water but thought it would be easier to get it already mixed and in a bottle!

Second thing I got was this plastic plant. Even though its for fishies, will my crabs still like it?

Third and last thing I got was this little water/food bowl.
My question with this is: Will it be deep enough for my medium-large crab to bathe in it? It seems pretty deep and plenty wide, but I'm not sure.

Thanks for the help!
Mommy of 3 PP crabbies: Nickademus, Izzy, and Patrice.

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Re: New Items: Good or No?

Post by CallaLily » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:46 pm

That saltwater, while not necessarily harmful, is lacking in many elements found in seawater. These elements are vital to healthy molts and overall crabby well-being. The type you're looking for are the brands sold for saltwater aquariums, like Instant Ocean. More info here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=92553.

The plant is safe.

That dish would make a good food dish but is way too shallow for a water dish for most hermit crabs. You'll want a dish that your largest crab can fully submerge in. You can use fake plants, plastic needlepoint canvas, smooth pebbles, etc to ensure crabs of all sizes can climb out. Many crabbers use food storage containers as water dishes because they're a cheap and easy way to provide deep pools. Most reptile water dishes will be too shallow unless you have very small crabs.

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Re: New Items: Good or No?

Post by khs12 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:48 pm

CallaLily wrote:That saltwater, while not necessarily harmful, is lacking in many elements found in seawater. These elements are vital to healthy molts and overall crabby well-being. The type you're looking for are the brands sold for saltwater aquariums, like Instant Ocean. More info here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=92553.

The plant is safe.

That dish would make a good food dish but is way too shallow for a water dish for most hermit crabs. You'll want a dish that your largest crab can fully submerge in. You can use fake plants, plastic needlepoint canvas, smooth pebbles, etc to ensure crabs of all sizes can climb out. Many crabbers use food storage containers as water dishes because they're a cheap and easy way to provide deep pools. Most reptile water dishes will be too shallow unless you have very small crabs.
Okay thank you!
Mommy of 3 PP crabbies: Nickademus, Izzy, and Patrice.

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Re: New Items: Good or No?

Post by CallaLily » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:52 pm

You're welcome! Check out the Caresheet Section for tons more info on crabby care. :D

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Re: New Items: Good or No?

Post by wodesorel » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:57 pm

I've always been uncomfortable with the thought of using glow in the dark dishes for them. If it's not safe on shells, I worry about it contaminating their food or water.
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Re: New Items: Good or No?

Post by CallaLily » Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:58 pm

Good catch! I didn't even notice the "glow dish" in big writing across the front. I always wonder about that sort of thing too. Even if it weren't possibly toxic, how annoying it must be.

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Re: New Items: Good or No?

Post by khs12 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:19 pm

Oh goodness. I hate to have to take everything except the plant back tomorrow. :/ I'll do some research on the dish.
Mommy of 3 PP crabbies: Nickademus, Izzy, and Patrice.
