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Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:37 pm
by tokyojapan
I am a student in middle school 8th grade I was wondering in art class we are going take the clay that makes toilets and make a art piece my teacher says that its safe to eat and drink out of if we make something like a bowl or plate etc once were done we put a glaze on it then fire it in a kiln would it be safe for hermit crabs cause I want to add something cute to their take like a mushroom or a cake and if it isn't safe would it be safe for a leopard gecko what should I build for ether tank the gecko is a girl maybe like a two story old cottage with mushrooms thanks for any ideas !!!

Re: clay
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:13 am
by wodesorel
It it's all food safe then it's animal safe for both hermits and geckos.
Keep in mind that at least a small part probably won't be glazed (whatever is sitting on the kiln surface) and that area may absorb moisture (either humidity or poo). That can cause mold growth and is the only downside of ceramics. I've had stuff get funky in my crab tank before, and when I used it with hamsters and gerbils. Just something to watch out for!
I missed out on getting a used kiln at the restore last year and have been kicking myself ever since. I think it would be so cool to make stuff!!