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Vivarium Electronics Temp./Hygro Review
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:27 pm
by Rawrgeous
So as I had been struggling with humidity ... or so I thought- even though it had only been a month since I had recalibrated my guage, I re checked it. It was literally 15 off. (Babies weren't smothering like I thought. Thank goodness) So I ordered this baby from Reptile Basics, for 12 bucks before shipping. I got it today, and impatiently waited for calibration. So I finally have it up, and so far I love it. It was right on. I also love it has a probe, and I can see the clear display sitting on top of the tank from the living room.

I am way too excited for a gauge, but it's brought me such peace of mind already. I may or may not have been freaking out and obsessing. It also has a min, max temp and humidity, to give me an idea of tank fluctuations.

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Re: Vivarium Electronics Temp./Hygro Review
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:13 am
by landlubber
Hopefully it holds up. I haven't tried this one yet. Maybe I will try this one next! I am so frustrated with these gauges I can't even tell you. It seems like they are made with spit and polish by the Kebbler Elves or something. They break down on me within days every time I order one and I can't understand why I'm having so much trouble!
I looked at this one before, maybe it will be the next brand I purchase.

Re: Vivarium Electronics Temp./Hygro Review
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:50 am
by Rawrgeous
I'll keep you updated in a couple of weeks or so.
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Re: Vivarium Electronics Temp./Hygro Review
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:44 pm
by Crabinski
Another HCA crabber has one of these and loves it! As my second Acurite is fading, I'm weighing options for a replacement and really like this unit. Where did you place the probe? Is it just dangling or did you poke it into the substrate?
Re: Vivarium Electronics Temp./Hygro Review
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:37 pm
by Rawrgeous
I personally have it dangling in the very middle of the tank. I will say, the only downside is it adjusts slowly. But I definitely love it, especially that I can reset the max and min right before bed and know for sure my temp and humidity stayed within range, for example last night was 84 percent low, 97 percent high min 84 degrees max 86 degrees. It's super easy to use. No screwdrivers to replace batteries. Impressed for it being 12 bucks. I'm also hoping keeping the display out of the tank will help with making the display last longer. I have it snaked through the seam hole on my lid.
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Re: Vivarium Electronics Temp./Hygro Review
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:05 pm
by isadoraisacat
i just got this gauge and put it inside the tank with the probe just to test it, before calibration.
the humidity was reading at 99 % i took out max and min just to see the main actual
humid and it was still 99 %. My analog gauge i calibrated and it was on the money at 75 %
with the salt test and that reads right now 83 approx temp and 87 approx humid.
so there is no way this could possibly be this high. I'm currently doing the salt test now
by placing it in a plastic zip lock bag with a cap of damp salt and it since has dropped down
to 89 %. Would it be possible if i can get this thing to read right to keep it inside the tank
or do i have to keep it on the outside? the only way i could get in outside is to run the wire under
the lid in the little "slot" thingy in my mesh lid, than place the glass over it, i really have no way
to cut holes into the mesh. anyone???