
For presenting do-it-yourself projects for your crabitat and for discussing and displaying custom built crabitats. Also for questions and reviews on equipment and products. *Stores and their reviews now have their own section in Classifieds*

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Post by BrisHermies » Wed May 04, 2016 12:30 am

Today I went in to Petco to buy a clamp lamp for my big tank. I asked a few questions about the different models they had, and the guy asked what I wanted it for. I told him it was for my hermits. Apparently this guy is the store's "resident hermit crab expert." He said he's been keeping them for years, and has a colony of 80 at home.

He also said I would "cook my crabs" if I put the lamp on the tank. I was confused, and said that was what the dimmer on the lamp was for. I'm acclimating the tank before any crabs go in.

Apparently, Petco "frowns on" putting heat on a hermit crab tank. They are supposed to be kept at room temperature, they will cook themselves with a heater. I said that I had been using a lamp on my smaller tank for a year now with no problem. I know its not the preferred method, but it works for me and my crabbies.

I told him that I am a member of the HCA, and that he should check the site out if he's interested in hermit crabs. He said that only an idiot believes what they read on the internet.

I couldn't handle it anymore, said thanks for answering my questions about the lamps, and went to another aisle. The hermit crabs at his store live in the same deplorable conditions you find at any Petco. Apparently their care sheets are the end all be all. The guy also mentioned that the store won't guarantee an animal that dies from improper care. Never bought a crab there, never plan on it.

As I was leaving, the man said to his coworker that he couldn't stand people who don't care about their animals. At least we agree on something.

I guess I'm overly sensitive, but I can't stand it when people say that I'm going to kill my animals. I know he's wrong. My hermits seem to be doing fine, they're molting regularly and growing quickly. I even managed to bring one back from a pretty bad illness. It still bothers me to have someone basically say I'm abusing my crabs by heating the tank.

Sorry. Needed to rant. :crybaby: :crazy:

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Re: Petco

Post by AleyedtoBuggie » Wed May 04, 2016 12:53 am

He is an idiot and he probably loses a lot of hermies. :(

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Re: Petco

Post by wodesorel » Wed May 04, 2016 1:24 am

I would report him! Aside from being an utter jerk, he's not even following his own company's care sheet. I doubt they would be happy to learn he's talking people out of a recommended sale.
Temperature - Temperature gradient (80°F for the warm end and 70°F for the cool end); recommend low wattage incandescent bulb (appropriate for the size of the habitat). ... sheet.html
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Re: Petco

Post by BrisHermies » Wed May 04, 2016 3:13 am

Wow. So his company's care sheet specifically says to use a bulb and lamp. I never bothered to read their care sheet, because I found this site first when I was researching whether or not I wanted hermits.

I looked into filing a complaint about how their crabs are kept. (Usually about 68 degrees, maybe 50% humidity.) I couldn't find an email address or anything, just forums elsewhere with people complaining of much of the same issues with reptiles they purchased.

I would hate to get him in trouble, but my heart is broken for the 80 hermit crabs he claims to have at home. I understand that people are often misled about how to care for these little guys, but keeping a cold-blooded animal warm should be common sense.

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Re: Petco

Post by wodesorel » Wed May 04, 2016 3:35 am

I checked the links we had, and they've all gone bad. I'm going to update them now.

Anyways, there's a phone number: and an online form:
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Re: Petco

Post by BrisHermies » Wed May 04, 2016 5:41 am

Reported. Thanks for the link, Petco did not make that easy to find. (Or maybe I'm bad at interneting.) With a 200 character max I didn't get to explain much, but I'll see what they say.

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Re: Petco

Post by Giner13 » Wed May 04, 2016 5:50 am

BrisHermies wrote:Reported. Thanks for the link, Petco did not make that easy to find. (Or maybe I'm bad at interneting.) With a 200 character max I didn't get to explain much, but I'll see what they say.
I'm glad you reported!! I wonder if it's the same guy I spoke to one day about the UTH supply they had...really had nothing informative to say about them. He seemed disinterested really.
I take my dog there for their little cookies, but I won't be getting a crab there unless I'm not able to find one to adopt.

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Re: Petco

Post by wodesorel » Wed May 04, 2016 6:44 am

No, I had to hunt for it, too. They used to have a nice form where you could include the store location, and another page with the address for corporate. Both have been removed. There's a sticky in Activism called "What to do if you've seen hermit crab abuse" (or something to that effect) that has links for all the major chains if anyone needs them!
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Re: Petco

Post by pandaincognito » Wed May 04, 2016 10:17 am

I have one of those at our local petco, and actually my complaint wound up costing his job. I mean I feel bad because he wound up out of work, but you're supposed to give people /good/ advice for the animals you sell. The manager told me herself thay it seems like none of the employees care about that store, that it was literally just a hang out spot for them and their friends. Im pretty sire I know what your problem is lol, you're hiring teenagers who can't even take care of themselves. ^•^
2 small pp, smeegle (m), shellshock (m); 1 small/medium pp, shelldon (f), 1 medium/large pp, Godzilla (m)
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Re: Petco

Post by Giner13 » Wed May 04, 2016 11:11 am

pandaincognito wrote:I have one of those at our local petco, and actually my complaint wound up costing his job. I mean I feel bad because he wound up out of work, but you're supposed to give people /good/ advice for the animals you sell. The manager told me herself thay it seems like none of the employees care about that store, that it was literally just a hang out spot for them and their friends. Im pretty sire I know what your problem is lol, you're hiring teenagers who can't even take care of themselves. ^•^
Exactly! They don't know what to do for themselves, much less someone else or their pet. Responsibility is severely lacking nowadays!

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Re: Petco

Post by BrisHermies » Wed May 04, 2016 10:36 pm

Got my response:

"We appreciate your time bringing this issue to our attention. It is important to hear from our valued customers as yourself. It is obvious that you have a true passion for animals and we share your passion as well. Your feedback is essential to us, thus a copy of your email has been forwarded to the upper management in charge of our Store for review and resolution. We are always looking for ways to continuously improve our services.

It is also our goal to provide fundamental pet-related information to every store partner regardless of the title they hold or what they do in our store. All our partners are encouraged to enhance their knowledge of animal care by reading numerous books and magazines they have access to as Petco partners. We encourage participation in seminars and additional training to fuel their passion and expertise on pets and their care. All of our partners go through an intensive training program during their initial 90 days of employment with Petco, regardless of the professional experience an associate may have when they join our team."

I don't know what I wanted them to say. But I am rather unsatisfied.

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Re: Petco

Post by wodesorel » Thu May 05, 2016 12:24 am

That is a canned response. :? I'm sure they'll watch him more closely though and see what he's selling. Their concern is their bottom line - I can't imagine they'll be okay keeping someone around who is influencing less sales.

Although there may be some hope that someone is listening. Over the weekend Petco announced they were going to start selling as pretty huge array of tarantula species. There are several that are unsuited to new keepers, either because they die or because they could kill a kid. (Seriously.) The keepers over at Arachnoboards were able to get them to change their minds about many of the species and they're changing the availability list because of it. It was an enormous win. Not quite as good as hoped for, but the fact they listened is amazing. It can be hard to get someone to listen, but once they do there can be a major difference. :)
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Re: Petco

Post by pandaincognito » Thu May 05, 2016 7:02 am

wodesorel wrote:That is a canned response. :? I'm sure they'll watch him more closely though and see what he's selling. Their concern is their bottom line - I can't imagine they'll be okay keeping someone around who is influencing less sales.

Although there may be some hope that someone is listening. Over the weekend Petco announced they were going to start selling as pretty huge array of tarantula species. There are several that are unsuited to new keepers, either because they die or because they could kill a kid. (Seriously.) The keepers over at Arachnoboards were able to get them to change their minds about many of the species and they're changing the availability list because of it. It was an enormous win. Not quite as good as hoped for, but the fact they listened is amazing. It can be hard to get someone to listen, but once they do there can be a major difference. :)
They've started selling them here already. But they never stay in stock! Ive only seen them twice. And if it weren't for my man being afraid of them id have one in my five gallon!
2 small pp, smeegle (m), shellshock (m); 1 small/medium pp, shelldon (f), 1 medium/large pp, Godzilla (m)
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Re: Petco

Post by wodesorel » Thu May 05, 2016 7:54 am

pandaincognito wrote:They've started selling them here already. But they never stay in stock! Ive only seen them twice. And if it weren't for my man being afraid of them id have one in my five gallon!
Just make to research species and prices ahead of time if you ever manage to talk him into it! Slings can be hard to raise (tiny food), some need large enclosures as adults, and some are overpriced. Rosehairs are a good starter, but you can get good-sized slings from fellow hobbyists for under $5.
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Re: Petco

Post by pandaincognito » Thu May 05, 2016 8:01 am

wodesorel wrote:
pandaincognito wrote:They've started selling them here already. But they never stay in stock! Ive only seen them twice. And if it weren't for my man being afraid of them id have one in my five gallon!
Just make to research species and prices ahead of time if you ever manage to talk him into it! Slings can be hard to raise (tiny food), some need large enclosures as adults, and some are overpriced. Rosehairs are a good starter, but you can get good-sized slings from fellow hobbyists for under $5.

He wont go for it. I begged lol, the closest thing to a spider I will ever have are my little hermit crabs. these guys were tiny too, I mean like micro-tiny. Its been at least two months now that I've seen them so they may not be ordering them anymore. There may not be enough people involved in keeping the creepy crawly, or they've bought one, it died, and they complained on the store. I didn't ask them how to take care of them, because of the bad advice I've heard them give to others and the bad advice given to me. Research everything ! Learned that mistake already, always research before hand....
2 small pp, smeegle (m), shellshock (m); 1 small/medium pp, shelldon (f), 1 medium/large pp, Godzilla (m)
1 dog, bender the min pin. And one betta named Henry. I dont know if its a boy or a girl, its still pretty young.
