Moss from outside

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Moss from outside

Post by Hezekiah » Sun May 20, 2018 12:49 pm

I read the article on putting a moss pit in the crabitat and I added one to mine a few weeks ago when I emptied and cleaned the tank. I just collected some moss that was growing on my roof, dig a little indentation into the sand in the corner, and piled it in. My crab went in once, right after I put her in the tank. After that I have not seen her go in at all, or seen anything moved around or dragged into it (but I don't see her in the night, so it is possible that she goes in there sometimes). I am wondering, did I misread the directions? Is it bad to collect my own moss? It is not like the spagnum moss, it is just ordinary clumps of moss that I just piled up onto each other.

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Re: Moss from outside

Post by GotButterflies » Sun May 20, 2018 6:11 pm

Hello :)

What kind of moss is it?

You just want to make sure it is free from pesticides, fertilizers and that your area isn't sprayed for mosquitos. Then, some people do recommend a quick zap in the microwave (a very quick zap) to kill possible bugs. :)

It is possible she eats it at night.
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Re: Moss from outside

Post by Hezekiah » Mon May 21, 2018 3:53 pm

I know it has not been treated with pesticides. I have no idea what kind of moss it is. How can I tell?
I actually briefly moved it to her favorite place last night because I was putting in a new water dish, and she sat on it for a while. I am pretty sure she was eating it. Now it is mostly in a soap dish attached to the wall.

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