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20 gallon long topper

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 5:42 pm
by teachincrabbie
Hello! I’m upgrading my 10 gal. tank to a 20 gal. long. However I was wondering if any of you know a good glass lid for it. For my 10 gallon I have a Aqueon versa lid. I’m considering getting the bigger one for my 20 gal. because I can’t find anything else. The versa lid as a gap in the back which I hate because I have to cover it with tape to make sure my humidity is high. Any other suggestions?

Re: 20 gallon long topper

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 6:12 pm
by Xenocrab
You could use corner guards (Lowe's) they are in the bathroom section at our store here. Ask an employee. We have them in our baby tank and it provides a lip between the lid and gap. Silicone them in the tank days before you set up the tank to let it dry and fume out. The pics aren't that good, but I hope it gives you some idea. We drilled holes in them to hang stuff from with zip ties. But we have micro babies, so they can't push out. If you choose to do this, I recommend putting some light weight on the lid so nobody escapes. For our big crab tank (really big crabs) I put soup cans on top so they can't get out!

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