tank topper for an exoterra?

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tank topper for an exoterra?

Post by Sunflowerparty420 » Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:09 am

I finally found a tank with the exact dimensions as my current (40B exoterra) so i thought i could use it as a topper but the front part with the doors concerns me...could an exoterra withstand the weight? I see a lot of exoterras as toppers but I really don't want to bust out the glass on it...it makes me so nervous. Also being my main tank, it'd be a lot of extra work to get it ready to be a topper rather than adding a topper to the one I have now...

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Re: tank topper for an exoterra?

Post by aussieJJDude » Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:15 am

Honestly I wouldnt trust it. The plastic at the top is rather flimsy, and the weight of either a 10g or bigger would definitely have some impact.

It may be more work, but making the exo terra the topper is probably your best interest. (Not only that, but the tank can hold more substrate if you need to make it deeper compared to the exo terra)

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Re: tank topper for an exoterra?

Post by Sunflowerparty420 » Mon Aug 12, 2019 3:19 pm

aussieJJDude wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:15 am
Honestly I wouldnt trust it. The plastic at the top is rather flimsy, and the weight of either a 10g or bigger would definitely have some impact.

It may be more work, but making the exo terra the topper is probably your best interest. (Not only that, but the tank can hold more substrate if you need to make it deeper compared to the exo terra)

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Ack, alright :( Would it be able to hold up to being flipped upside down? I've seen a couple of tank set ups like that, only with much bigger tanks as the base...Hadn't thought about the fact the exoterra can't withstand much more stand though, it's already got 100 pounds in it as it is but they're getting bigger so a stronger base for more sand would be in the crabs best interest

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Re: tank topper for an exoterra?

Post by aussieJJDude » Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:04 pm

Flipped upside down should be fine. The weight of the exo terra isbt going go be enough to cause damage (reptile tanks are made of thinner glass generally).

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