SixBitSamurai wrote:Hi what do you think the cost of making your water encloses is is it hard to cut a d bond them together
I only ask because I have a idea that I've been wanting to do for awhile for a side by side salt and fresh but every acrylic fab place I've contacted hasn't contacted me back so maybe it's to small of a project
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The only real cost would be a sheet of acrylic and silicone. A sheet of acrylic for this size project would probably be $20-$100, depending on size you need. Here’s a website to gauge: ... ear?page=2 . I’m thankful my dad had some scrape laying around his shop.
As far as assembling it I had a pretty easy time because each tank is only one piece of plastic. I used something to heat bend the corners and then I only had 4 corners to glue, and since it was already bent it shape it was easy to hold it’s form when being glued. Here’s a pic that hopefully describes what I mean by 1 piece:
The con to this method is when I heat bent it the corners grew because of the heat now one piece doesn’t fit the way I originally planned.
They also aren’t all perfect 90 degree angles.
I’m guessing a heat bender might not be accessible, in that case you’d have to cut the pieces individually and silicone them, which would probably take a lot of clamps and/or supports and be more drawn out in time. It can be done though, I’d just suggest doing 1 corner at a time and letting it dry so it doesn’t all lose shape while drying.
The con to this would be there would be a lot more areas depending on silicone to hold it together. And might be harder to make leak proof.
I am still working on getting mine not to leak with only 4 seems.
Hope this helps!