Tree Bark/Build Ideas/Is Wood Glue Slurry Safe

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Tree Bark/Build Ideas/Is Wood Glue Slurry Safe

Post by Mrsshadyowl » Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:03 am

Long post warning, thank you for reading and any suggestions!

My husband and I will be stripping some logs in the near future (will be making sure the wood is on the safe list and pesticide free) and was just wondering if anyone had good projects/ideas of what we can do with the bark. We will be making various items out of the logs so any ideas on what we could do with the scraps or anything we could build specifically for the crabs from the logs? We have like 20 logs and access to tons more. We are going to be building a custom enclosure soon as well that will have different levels and be approximately 60" tall 40" long and 14" deep so any and all suggestions would be appreciated 💗!

Would making a slurry of wood glue and saw dust be safe to use in the enclosure? I was thinking to give items a more natural look.

Would anyone be interested in some bark, having something built etc? I would only ask for you to cover shipping costs. I just know there's going to be tons more than we could ever use and want to share if possible. I'm in Oklahoma if anyone else is that would be cool to know!

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Re: Tree Bark/Build Ideas/Is Wood Glue Slurry Safe

Post by JoeHermits » Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:40 pm

Cyanoacrylates (superglue) or two-part epoxies are usually recommended for animal enclosures since they’re inert once dried. Other wood glues can be a tad iffy.

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Re: Tree Bark/Build Ideas/Is Wood Glue Slurry Safe

Post by Mrsshadyowl » Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:42 pm

Thank you! I had seen somewhere that tite bond 3 was safe but wanted to double check.

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Re: Tree Bark/Build Ideas/Is Wood Glue Slurry Safe

Post by JoeHermits » Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:51 pm

Mrsshadyowl wrote:Thank you! I had seen somewhere that tite bond 3 was safe but wanted to double check.
I’m not familiar with Titebond III. I looked it up and it’s made of “advanced proprietary polymer” so it’s hard tell how safe it is.

Are you going to use wood glue for the enclosure itself? It’d probably be low risk since I’m guessing you’ll be waterproofing the entire thing, anyway, but for items actually in the habitat that the crabs can pick at I’m a little more cautious.

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Re: Tree Bark/Build Ideas/Is Wood Glue Slurry Safe

Post by Mrsshadyowl » Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:11 pm

We've used wood glue and saw dust for texture before on non-crab creations and I was thinking if I make something for in the enclosure if that was in fact safe I could use it to give different items a more natural look, but I won't just to be safe. Thank you again for the reply.

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