Good idea/bad idea?

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Good idea/bad idea?

Post by blackberry75 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:32 am

A tunnel/bridge from crabitat to established aquarium, making the aquarium one of the pools? Is that a crazy idea? Would the fish harm the crabs or vise versa? Would the crabs even use it? Anyone already try it?

The idea was inspired by video of water bridges for fish tanks, and I have access to plenty of fabrication material to make one. I'm just hesitant to try it lest one of my babies get hurt in the process. I had to work really hard to get the fish and the crabs healthy from the conditions I received them in. My heart would break if any of them got sick or injured at this point.

I'm open to creative criticism of the idea, flaws I haven't thought of etc. The crabitat (40g breeder) and aquarium (29g) are already next to each other. It's just goldfish, a pleco, and a snail in the aquarium. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels are good (finally). My biggest concern is it being to cold for the crabs. Water in the fish tank hovers around 68F. My next concern is any additional bio the crabs may add throwing water conditions off for the fish. I don't know if the crabs would actively try to eat the smaller fish/pleco/snail, the smallest fish being approximately 1in. Alternately, would the larger fish attack or harass the crabs? The big fish are about 4in not including their tail. The crabs are med/small right now I think.

So,your thoughts?

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by FJrocks003 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:56 am

I'm not sure that the fish would be your problem. I do think the water temperature is to low but it could work if that was changed (the fish you have wouldn't mind if it didn't happen all at once and only up to like 75F). Additionally, the crabs need an easy way in and out of the water, as they aren't good swimmers. You will also need to make the fish tank easy to access s they can get there whenever they need a drink. I think it would be easier to just have a pol in the tank, but if your up for it this might work with some planning.
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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by Wlfwo » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:46 am

I have never noticed my crabs even get in the fresh water. They hang on the rim and dip it. Only tiny amounts of residue are ever in it. The salt water is a whole other story. They plunge right in, constantly having to really scrub that one.

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by JoeHermits » Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:25 pm

Hermit crabs aren’t going to mesh well with your tank. Not only are your snails at risk of predation but anything the crabs drag in, such as food, poop, or other organic matter, will increase your bioload.

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by blackberry75 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:26 am

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the replies. Gives me food for thought.

I think if I had a marine tank it might be worth the effort, but fresh water not so much.

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by Biohopeful » Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:22 pm

I have two 10 gal tanks that I currently just use to grow various sprouts for my 4 crabs. I have been thinking about setting them up as a kind of bioactive-ish water oasis, one fresh, one salt. I've been stewing over how to go about it for months. Especially since they are quite a bit shorter than my 40 gal feeder tank.

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by VickieG » Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:20 pm

I've had freshwater pools in my crabitats for the past 5+ yrs. They've gotten much better over time and my crabs LoVE their current pool. It's a planted tank, just under 5 gals and I have shrimp, dwarf African clawed frogs and otto catfish. They all get along, nobody eats anyone else and they're so much fun to watch. I've had mystery snails before too.

Some of my crabs go in daily for a swim and others just like to hang at the edges and drink. I run a filter 24/7, vacuum the gravel and change out the water as needed and check the water levels once a week. I also have a heater just in case that runs occasionally and usually not for long. The crabs poop in the water but I haven't had any ammonia spikes. I have plans to link a 2nd tank with a saltwater pool as soon as my cast comes off. The pool helps to keep the heat and humidity up in the rest of the hab.

I'd highly recommend it but keep in mind it is added work. Everything needs maintenance regardless. ImageImage

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by VickieG » Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:02 pm

Oh, on the issue of, "would they use it?", Motorcrab has advised me to be patient. I thought my crabs would be so happy to leave their relatively boring temp tank that they'd start exploring their new home immediately. I couldn't have been more wrong! It takes time. They're mostly shy creatures. I have a couple of adventurous crabs but after 2 months, I still haven't seen more than 8 or 9. The rest are really good at hiding and have dug a series of tunnels to keep themselves and curious humans in the dark, or they're just happy underground for now.

I'm super pleased with the direction of my rebuild which is half the battle. I have no doubt they'll figure out the tunnel in due time, once it's finished of course! I will still keep salt and fresh water dishes in both tanks for the less adventurous and the very lazy!

The 1st picture shows the site of the proposed tunnel entrance. I've made a number of upgrades to this tank including fans and hydroton to help with condensation induced flooding which has been the bane of every one of my previous habitats. The crabs still destroyed 10 out of 12 live plants I introduced except for 2 hanging ones that they only recently figured out how to get to. Some didn't even make it 24 hrs! It's a battle of wills at this point..

#2 is my Stranger Things interpretation...It needs a sign. I just haven't come up with a clever crab name for 'Castle Byers' yet... Will the Eyes is the best I have so far. Any suggestions??ImageImage

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by aussieJJDude » Tue Jan 19, 2021 8:57 pm

Keep im mind, besides whats all said above, they probably need multiple ways in and out of the tank, just in case they for whatever reason, unableto use the one exit/entrance. With deeper pools, its always encouraged to have multiple ways they can get in/out of it the tank.
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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by VickieG » Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:00 pm

I agree!! You can see in the pictures I sent below and in the previous post that I have rectangular stone tiles lining the ramp and staggered on all 3 sides of the water tank from the bottom to several inches above the water line. There is an egg-crate platform that extends under the water and cholla that spans the width above. I wouldn't do it any differently. It gives them easy access in and out of the water no matter where or how they enter. I chose the tiles because the height and surface areas were varied. It provides lots of toe holds for the crabs. It also gives my aquatic frogs, shrimp & fish places to explore and eat.

It's one of the most time consuming tasks in putting the new tank together but integral to their enjoyment of the water. Getting the tiles in a straight line is a chore and can get really messy with the caulk. Just make sure you don't put anything too close to the factory sealed aquarium edges. You could run the risk of leaks in your aquarium if you accidentally scrape into the original caulk.ImageImage

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by blackberry75 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:32 am

These are inspiring. I don't know if the breeder tank has room for a 5g inside it, but next to it.....

I'm plotting ideas. Given how I've started acquiring fish/tanks people don't want to take care of any more, what's one more to clean at this point. One piece of advice; never agree to "pet sit" anyone's fish at your house. Like ever. You do it one time and they don't come back, suddenly you're the crazy fish rescue lady.

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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

Post by Oksness » Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:40 pm

I am in the process of setting up fresh and saltwater pools in my new tank. The saltwater pool was pretty straightforward but I am unsure on the freshwater one. At this point the dimensions of the freshwater pool are 6 inches wide, 10 inches long and 8 inches deep. I was under the impression the crabs only “wade” in the freshwater versus plunging all the way under in the saltwater. So I was going to add rocks etc to bring up the depth to only a few inches in the freshwater. Looking for recommendations, Thank you!

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