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New egg crate tank ideas

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:57 pm
by crabs_lex

I was at home depot today and ended up picking up some egg crate. I plan on getting a 29 gallon and selling my 20 gallon (it’s up for sale on here if anyone is interested). It needs more sub so getting a 29 gal would be better being 6 inches taller than my 20 gal long. I was recently looking at some egg crate tanks. I saw Motorcrabs and AussieJJDudes posts about making theirs. And they are so cool!! So if anyone else has ones they would like to share or any ideas I would love that.

Also I saw how people used those coconut fiber mats. Is that just those mats used for climbing but cut up?
like these? ... 54714.html
I have these in my 55 gal along the back wall and my crabs love them.

Thanks :)

Re: New egg crate tank ideas

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:38 pm
by Hermielover121
I really love using micheals fake garlands. Another fun suggestion is using the egg crate as a bridge from one side to the other. I use hanging huts from pets mart that are supposed to be for birds and used popsicles sticks as a bridge instead but egg create would work to as long as it’s a bit flexible.

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