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Hermit Crab Food Dish

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:32 pm
by Hermiecrab
Sooo... It was another boring day... So of course I decided to make something for the crabs. I had always loved the idea of those little food dishes with the different slots so I got creative! I found one of those plastic paint pallets with the multiple sections. The middle part is really big, so I don't have a use for it, but you could use it for worm castings or something! You can add little labels with a non-toxic paint/marker and fill each slot with a different food. Labels could be animal protein, calcium, coconut oil/honey, dry foods etc. If you do this please post pictures! :banana:

Re: Hermit Crab Food Dish

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:03 pm
by myllkti
I’ve always loved that kind of food setup! I managed to find a little dish with two compartments for my crabs, which I split into wet and dry, but more would’ve been so cool. I’d also love to see pics!