Water Pool Decorating by KyMart

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Water Pool Decorating by KyMart

Post by KyMart » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:10 am

Tonight I have decided that I am going to find a good way to decorate my new water pools, I want them to be pretty and idk what to do! Does anyone have any good water pool decor ideas? I would love some gravel in the bottom but I'm worried about chemicals and coloring.. I would love fake plants but I am worried about them being too big, and I would like teeny tiny shells to put in the bottom for cuteness! I was liking maybe a little cholla wood in each of the pools, how would I keep that from molding? Anyone have ideas? Anything I could DIY for this?
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Re: Water Pool Decorating by KyMart

Post by Pumpkincrab » Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:09 pm

You can definitely DIY your pools! In fact, that's exactly what I did earlier this week. First, make your your pools are doubled up- meaning, there's an extra pool/container under the pool you're going to actually use. That way, when you take the pool out to change the water, you're not disturbing any molters.
Here's what I did: From there, I picked up natural aquarium pebbles/rocks for grip. I also grabbed two medium fake plants that are meant for fish tanks. Keep in mind- depending on what you want to build, you might need to use silicone. I use Aqueon fish tank silicone (it's nontoxic and completely safe). My pools are square, so I tipped the pool forward and applied silicone (spread thin) onto the inside wall of the container. I then placed the pebbles onto the wall, where the silicone was added. Next, making sure the pebbles were semi-stuck or dried a bit, I tipped it forward (so it's sitting right) and siliconed the plant to the bottom of the container. Add silicone around the bottom, around the plant and add pebbles. Let dry for 24hrs, situate as needed, and it's basically good to go. I did this for the other pool as well and it looks great. The fake plants aren't obnoxiously big and add a pop of color. You definitely don't need to do what I did, but it's a great option, I think.
Not sure on the cholla. Might need to do some of your own research for that
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Re: Water Pool Decorating by KyMart

Post by KyMart » Fri Jul 14, 2023 2:41 pm

Pumpkincrab wrote:
Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:09 pm
You can definitely DIY your pools! In fact, that's exactly what I did earlier this week. First, make your your pools are doubled up- meaning, there's an extra pool/container under the pool you're going to actually use. That way, when you take the pool out to change the water, you're not disturbing any molters.
Here's what I did: From there, I picked up natural aquarium pebbles/rocks for grip. I also grabbed two medium fake plants that are meant for fish tanks. Keep in mind- depending on what you want to build, you might need to use silicone. I use Aqueon fish tank silicone (it's nontoxic and completely safe). My pools are square, so I tipped the pool forward and applied silicone (spread thin) onto the inside wall of the container. I then placed the pebbles onto the wall, where the silicone was added. Next, making sure the pebbles were semi-stuck or dried a bit, I tipped it forward (so it's sitting right) and siliconed the plant to the bottom of the container. Add silicone around the bottom, around the plant and add pebbles. Let dry for 24hrs, situate as needed, and it's basically good to go. I did this for the other pool as well and it looks great. The fake plants aren't obnoxiously big and add a pop of color. You definitely don't need to do what I did, but it's a great option, I think.
Not sure on the cholla. Might need to do some of your own research for that
I this the aquarium pebbles are a great idea! And I like the idea of the little plants! I was thinking about just letting them rest at the bottom, would that work with bubblers! You have seen my new build, so you know my pools, and I have that space infornt of them, I could put something there too, hmm
I have 5 PPs in a 40 gallon breeder!
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