Online Crab Kit...Has Anyone Else Seen This?

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Online Crab Kit...Has Anyone Else Seen This?

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:03 pm

Has anyone else ever seen this?? This is supposed to be an educational thing. But this is such a bad tank! Check it out:

Click Here

It says, "The Hermit Crabs make great low maintenance pets." RIGHT....AND it comes with a kit to decorate (paint??) the crabs' shells! :shock: I don't like this. :(

That link is LONG by the Sry bout that.

Post edited by putertutor to fix long link

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:19 pm

yup and i thought aww poor crabs who have to live in it.

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they sell that at Target

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:26 pm

I almost got one for my DD but the tank itself is so flimsy, the plastic is floppy. Thank goodness I over-research everything so I came here first.

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:54 pm

i saw one in a discovery store i think. it's not even really 10g, it's way too small, and the directions say that the sea sponge will give enough humidity so you don't have to worry about it. they wrote so mucha bout crabs molting in the directions, but not only are the conditions bad for molting in there, but no crab is ever going to live long enough to molt. i was thinking about writing to discovery about it (cos i'm pretty sure that's who makes the product) but i doubt they'll do anything, big companies rarely do anything about complaints other than say they're going to change it in the future, but never really do.

oh yeah, and to fix the giant url thing, there's the button that says URL when you're writing a post, just click on it and it makes a link for you. if you want to put text you just put "" then put the text in to click on, then end it with a "" it will make a little link for people to click instead of having the long url thing.

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:02 pm

There is a link for customer reviews. You can give it a negative review. It might discourage some from buying it.

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:16 pm

Well, I gave it a bad review...I hope they take it into consideration.

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Post by MacandHunter » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:19 pm

I typed a long bad review but when I clicked submit I got an error. :evil:
Crabbing since 7/4/04 - 10 years!
I'm not asking salvation from you - I'm just asking to be safe for a while
make it easy - make this easy
it's not as heavy as it seems
wrapped in metal -wrapped in ivy - painted in mint ice cream

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:19 pm

Oh, and thanks nicaha for tellin me how to work the :)

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:21 pm

that's a good idea, i'll have to go on there later and give it a bad review. maybe if enough of us do it they'll look more into their products when they're making it.

no problem about the url thing, it took me a while to figure out how to use it too! :)

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:02 pm

Looks like your bad reviews got removed, ladies. It's back to being "Be the first to give this product a review"

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:20 pm

grrr :evil: maybe i will have to try to contact Discovery directly about it then. if anyone else does, let me know. these companies are too much, they want feedback, but only if it's good. that's just horrible. either we could try to contact Discovery, or just keep on putting up negative feedback...

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:31 pm

This would be why your reviews didn't "stick" (from their site):
Circuit City reads all reviews before posting them and reserves the right to deny any review. Here are some of the things that can cause a review to be denied.
1. Offensive or abusive language will not be posted. Please remember that others will be reading your review.
2. We're looking for reviews that are helpful and relevant to the product being reviewed.
3. Reviews that attempt to solicit responses from others, thereby creating a forum, will not be allowed.
4. Reviews written by those who have no experience with the product will not be approved.
Particularly note #4 above.
Anyway, in the long run it's best to take on the company that's manufacturing this, not just carrying it in their product line, IMO.

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:35 pm

i think they made it so no one can make a review about it anymore. that's so ridiculous that they'd do that. companies don't understand that it's killing the crabs, they only care that they're making money off of the product.

i'm fairly sure that Discovery makes it, i've seen it in a few other stores before.

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Post by Guest » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:44 am

I just tried to post a review and if you do less than great they do not post it. .. . How wrong is that. Besides why is CIRCUIT CITY an electronics store selling something for animals. Doesn't that require a different license??!!!

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Post by Guest » Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:06 am

It looks.. nice eye candy wise but much too small. There's something wrong with that picture. The crabs shouldn't be standing where they are.. just look at it. Something's wrong with it.

However look how much sand they give the crabs.
