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Need help! Putting together a custom tank- have questions!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:23 am
by Guest
:) Hermiegirl stumbled upon a free custom tank (115 or something gallons). It's not all put together though.'s made to stand up tall for fishies but I want to try and put it on it's side for crabbies instead. Only problem is...well there are a is that the metal frame is already made for the tank going if it goes on it's side....there's no lip or anything to hold that one end in. Other problem....I talked to someone at lowe's yesterday to see if I took that glass in for what was originally one of the large see if I could get it cut to put in on the end. Nope. Not sure who could do that either or how much it would cost. So....would it be possible to put extra thick plexiglass as the end piece there....or glass from the hardware? I would just make that end with coconut fiber stuff so it wouldn't have the weight of sand pushing on it.

I'm not sure how this will work and I have this huge frame of a tank with one piece in it....and a couple tubes of sealant. I want to make this work would be heaven for the crabbies and give them soooo much room to roam.....and uh make room for more crabbies. ;)

So what do you guys think?? Does this make any sense??? Any ideas???? PLease help!!!!! I wanna make this work somehow!!! :)

Oh and if I put it on it's side it's about 3feet by 3 feet and about 20some inches 'tall'. Does that help? I'll post pics later....gotta run for now.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:55 am
by Guest
If you do this, you will either need some sort of plastic reinforcement around the edges like on a normal tank, or maybe put it against a wall, because silicone alone won't be enough to hold it in place. Silicone is very flexible, and as soon as you put just a bit too much weight against it, it'll rip and you'll have a huge mess. So I suggest you also try to find some way of reinforcing the end piece (whatever you decide to you) Securing it against a wall may work best, or maybe take some heavy-duty tape around the top and bottom (It wouldn't look great, but it'd work :P)

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:16 am
by hermiegirl
She was planning on that side being against a wall, but the duct tape isn't a bad idea either. I think she's mostly worried about getting it working so her crabs can spread out. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:19 pm
by Ryanstein
Cool idea! :) You could use epoxy (5-minute epoxy for fast drying). You might need to buy a few tubes (they are kind of small), but that glue is designed for glass, plastic, and metal use. I used it to hold up my second levels. One note- it isn't very good with high humidity, even though it says "waterproof" on the container. You would need silicone on top for strength (I did this exact thing on my second levels, and they are rigid solid. I didn't have that silicone at first, and I had a bit of a collapse. No one was injured, though). For what you are describing, it seems to be the perfect glue. Plus, as long as you don't pour it all over the sand, it isn't harful :) . I've been using it for half year without problems.

Hopw this helps :) .


Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:29 pm
by Guest
awesome guys- good to know. Yeah I don't care what it looks like although my husbands already groaning about the tank to begin with but he'll just have to get over it! ;) I hadn't thought about propping it against the wall- that and the tape and all...I had wondered about epoxy too but wasn't sure if that'd be bad or not.

Also...if I use just silicone (or also if I use the epoxy too) long before you think I could start setting the tank up? I wouldn't move the crabs over for at least a few days till I could get it stable in there and make sure there aren't any fumes and everything's dry....but would it hurt to put the sand in after 12-24 hours or so?

THANKS so much for all your help! :) I'll let ya'll know how it comes out as hermiegirl and I will be attacking this project tomorrow! :) My crabbies are going to be sooooo happy....AND I'm getting 2 straws tomorrow too! :) yay (thanks hermiegirl!)!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:46 pm
by Guest
actually....we're going to wait on the arranging of the tank for now....I want to be absolutely sure first it's okay for the crabbies. I will probably go and get some epoxy tomorrow and start putting it together so it'll have plenty time to air out and all. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:04 am
by Guest
Silicone takes a full 24 hours to cure, so you would have to wait at least a full day to set it up after you apply it, or your hermies will be exposed to fumes, and could potentially pull it apart if you wait like 8-12 hours.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:11 pm
by hermiegirl
I think bonny meant that she was going to put the tank together and then add the substrate and stuff and get the temp/humidity stable for a few days before she added any crabs. so they wouldn't have any risk of smelling fumes. she was just worried about when she could add the substrate to the tank.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:17 pm
by hulk
you can try to custom make that "top" which would now be a side like this! It will look pretty and can have a top half as an opening for a door.

Good luck with whatever you decide. The idea is awesome!

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:54 pm
by Ryanstein
That sight is so cool! :D I read through the whole thing. 8) Really cool!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:11 pm
by hulk
yeah I know, I was thinking of doing something like that, but I never got around to it yet =) I think it would look great and it would be perfect for what they long as that work can be sealed and attached strang enough. which I am sure it can be done!

Plus, if you think about it, most of the tanks (like my 30 gallon) would have more floor space on its side and it would be lots more room...but I just have had time...and I am sorta stuck cause it would take a while to dry and things and get set what would I do with my crabs..I do have a 20 I could temporarily use....

However, it would be easier for me to just put my crabs in the 150 and my Tokay in the 30...but then I that really fair~lol I know I am crazy LOL

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:59 pm
by Ryanstein
Keep us posted, Bonny, on the tank! Can't wait to see it! :D

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:25 am
by Guest
what about making an outside frame to snug the back piece into and then attaching that to the premade frame? kind of like framing a picture with the bigger piece on the outside of the tank holding the glass that fits inside the premade frame. You could screw the outside frame into the inside frame. Or you could use plexi and get corner bracket moldings and screw them into th existing frame and the plexi. You want something really supportive, but also versatile, so if you decide to move the tank you don't need to always keep in mind that it has to be shoved up against a wall to stay together.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:11 pm
by Guest
that sounds good...I just don't know how to go about it. :( and husband is pushing me to just get rid of it. :(

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:36 pm
by hermiegirl
Aww, but you need more space...does he just not want your house to look like my bedroom? :) Hmm...I'll have to think about this one to figure something out for you. :) Bonny, how're the straws doing?