Live bamboo idea!

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Live bamboo idea!

Post by ohmeshell » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:40 pm

Well I've decided that I might want to put some live bamboo in my tank, because the hermies can climb on it, and they can also eat it!
My only initial problem was trying to figure out how to plant it considering bamboo needs 1-2 inches of water to grow. I didn't want my hermies dropping in the dish. Then I thought of that gelly stuff you can put in the water with it. THEN I figured that probably wouldn't be very safe for the hermies!
So now I think I'm going to get some bamboo, put the planter and all in the tat, maybe bury it a little bit, and put some sort of screen or something around the bottom of the plants so that the crabs can't get down in there..
I just figured I'd share. I think using bamboo is a good idea, because it saves room, and they can climb on and eat it! Let me know what you think!

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Post by ohmeshell » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:46 pm

Another idea, why not just put a bunch of river rocks or something down in the water! I will make sure the water is dechlorinated too =) just in case someone decides they want to drink from the planter, haha.
Some of them come with river rocks in them. They are filled to the top and then water is put in so that the water isn't over the rocks.


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:05 pm

I have no experience with growing bamboo, but I did see a thread or two recently about the difference between real bamboo and the "lucky bamboo" that is really common in houseplant displays these days. The "lucky bamboo" is not real bamboo and is poisonous to hermit crabs. So I just wanted to warn you about that, in case you had that instead of real bamboo. :)

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Post by ohmeshell » Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:57 pm

Yeah, actually I was going to post about lucky bamboo warning whoever reads this thread but I forgot. haha.
I don't actually have any bamboo yet and I think the only kind walmart has is lucky bamboo although i couldn't even find that when I went in.


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:13 pm

Real bamboo doesn't grow in water, but in damp earth. So, you might try growing it in a small pot sunk into your substrate. Just a thought.

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Post by ohmeshell » Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:19 am

awwwww poop!

I was looking at the lucky bamboo thing =(
thank you. lol :oops:
