
For presenting do-it-yourself projects for your crabitat and for discussing and displaying custom built crabitats. Also for questions and reviews on equipment and products. *Stores and their reviews now have their own section in Classifieds*

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Post by fishbone » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:21 pm

I need some suggestions picking out a good background for my 75 gallon crabitat. I'm talking about the picture-type you add on the outside, not a climbing background :) I am trying to go with a tropical theme and I got bored with what I have had so far, not to mention it shredded. Anyone have nice suggestions for places to shop? Petco/Petsmart have some boring ones that are not even fit for a 75G tank :(
Here's a pic of what I have.
Nebraska hermit crab rescue

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Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:02 pm
Location: GTA, Canada

Post by Jcat » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:14 pm

My idea for something like this would be to find a good quality picture that you already have, or have permission to use from the photographer and take it to a photo studio or printing place have it blown up to the size that you want it, then get it laminated to protect it over time. It may be a costly option, but at least it would be something that you picked out yourself and actually want to look at instead of buying something just because.

good luck 8)


Post by houseb » Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:15 pm

You can try checking out some posters online, there are quite a few places where you can get a giant/oversized poster for under $20. I'm currently looking for a background for my 90 gal so if you find anything good let me know!
