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Cover for Screen Top
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:09 am
by samurai_crab
Today I got some magnetic tape (from Michaels) and a clear shower curtain (from Walmart) and used it to make 2 covers for my screen top to hold in the humidity. I think it was Wodesorel that uses this method, I can't remember exactly, but I went ahead and took it for my crabitat too and I love it. The shower curtain looks so much clearer than freezer bags taped together and the magnets are way better than taping the bags to the screen top. To solve the problem of my heat lamps destroying the shower curtain (the bulb was melting the curtain) I cut out an area for the lamp and replaced it with some of the old freezer bag since I know this is heat safe. I would have left the area open but I'm afraid the humidity would get too low and I don't have the funds to buy/make a humidifier for the tank yet. If I remember I'll get pictures up tomorrow.
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:02 am
by CrabbyMom33
The freezer bags are really heat safe? I have the areas under my lights open and I know I'm losing lots of humidity out through those areas. What wattage are you running over top of the bags?
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:32 pm
by samurai_crab
40w I think, its definitely no more than 60. I haven't had a problem with the double layer ziploc freezer bags melting like the shower curtain was going to. I still wouldn't touch the bulb directly to the bags. I also believe press and seal wrap is heat safe too.
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:01 pm
by suebee
press and seal is heat safe.. the best thing so far that i have found is the hot plates that also are used for cutting boards made from tempered glass. I taped two on the top of my tank. I can slide them to the side for ventilation the lamps sitting on top of them are safe. They usually come with some kind of print on them and when that starts to wear off you find them in thrift shops for about 1.00 I have found 3 in the last week..In stores new they run about 19.00 new, but they dont crack, I have dropped mine so many times..They are really tough! Just another idea!
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:43 pm
by wodesorel
The shower curtain idea is wonderful!
I use just freezer bags since they hold up to the heat better than anything I've found, but even they have their limits. For the 150W on the E tank I had to cut around the light base so it wouldn't melt, but the lesser watts on the iso tanks I can just leave the bag intact. You can tell really quickly if it's not going to work!
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:45 pm
by samurai_crab
Actually wanted to post an update, the freezer bags I'm using don't melt with a 75 watt bulb, those are the ones I'm actually using right now. I didn't realize I was even using 75 watts until I had to look at the bulb when it blew yesterday.