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Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:53 am
by wodesorel
I use needlepoint canvas in my tanks, bent over so it's like a ramp and weighed down with a stone so it doesn't go anywhere and the crabs can't get underneath it. It's got excellent traction for both claws and feet, and the crabs can then get right up to the water's edge on the ramp, or they can still hang over the edge of the bowl and drink. (About half like to wade, the other half hang.) It's cheap, and normally pretty easy to find even at Walmart. :)

I'm currently using plastic trays from microwavable ramen as dishes as they're shallow-ish, but any type of food-safe plastic will work - just check the storage isle at the store if you don't have anything laying around!

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:05 am
by piccolo41099
I am using those gladewear disposable tupperwear containers with river rocks at the bottom.

I think it was $2-3 for 5 bowls, so they are super cheep.

Re: Need idea for instant diy wading pools

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:41 am
by sage dragon
@wodesorel, do you have a pic of how you have the plastic canvas? i think thats a great idea, but cant see it. i am going to use glad wear containers and have plastic canvas already. thanks. or if you could describe more of how you have it. ty.

Re: Need idea for instant diy wading pools

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:49 pm
by wodesorel
I've cut out small sheets and laid them in, and I've zip-tied it into rings to fit into little glass bowls. This is the current use in my main PP tank - it gives them a sturdy ladder to get in and out and it's all rough from where they pinch it to steady themselves. :)


Re: Need idea for instant diy wading pools

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:16 am
by Hermitcrablover12
I went to borders becuase there closing and I found these plastic container that were about 2 inches deep and were very big!Only 4 dollars! Its awesome! My jumbo can even take a swim! The little Es swin too. It so adorable! At homedepot they have these little plastic dish thing in all sizes. They are kinda flimsy and would need to replaced every so often. About the same price. I have a 55 gallon tank so they fit great!